May 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: May 4th,  2022

May ChCK Trait- Trustworthiness - “No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

  • Approval of Minutes - April Minutes Approved

  • SDHT School Board and Superintendent Visit

    • Bridget Wiedeman - Board President (Former Chestnutwold parent, local neighborhood resident)

    • Larry Feinberg - Vice President (Local neighborhood resident)

    • Dave Schwartz 

    • Latanya King (Current Chestnutwold parent)

    • Dr. Maureen Reusche - District Superintendent 

    • REMARKS: Ms. Wiedeman

      • Thank you for the Chestnutwold student visit during the last School Board meeting.  The students all did a great job with their poetry and presenting their works. 

      • Chestnuwold was also featured recently with a PA Dept of Education walk through.  They featured our work with MTSS.

      • School Board is made up of 9 elected volunteers. They operate and equip the education of our students through curriculum, supervision, and budget decisions.  They set goals and policy, but are not the managers of either.  They are the stewards of both our district's children and our tax dollars while assuring compliance with the required laws.  Their meetings are held in the Oakmont Bldg or in the high school, as capacity expectations require. The Board works as a Body  of Whole for committee work and supports over 6600 students and 1000 staff. They work with a $138 million budget that is 82% funded by property taxes.  They are currently working on 60 million dollars in capital improvements projects in the district. 

      • Been working with a strategic plan that was developed in 2020 (before the pandemic).  It focuses on preparing contemporary citizens, social/emotional wellness, and diversity & inclusion.  They work with liaisons from the DCIU and the DCCC, and Delaware County Legislative.  This includes training of the Board.

    • REMARKS: Dr. Reusche

      • Demographic study regarding large population bubbles for each school.  RFP facilities study will be happening regarding growing enrollments. Encouraging early registrations so they are included in the study.  They are particularly watching 1st grade numbers.  *they are not seeing the same growth in enrollment with that grade that they had been.  In regard to overcrowding, they would first move programming around the district if necessary.  Chestnutwold is not near that happening though. Bussing becomes a big decider in re-districting options.  

        • Are other school’s feeling the squeeze? 

          • Yes, Chatham and Manoa both have larger populations.

        • Where do they get insight on growth of student population?

          • Local preschool census taking.  This unfortunately doesn’t include kids who get preschool outside the local area.

        • What is happening with the parent/guardian equity teams? 

          • Change in personnel.  New hire had to give 2 months notice, and will be starting next week. 

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Munch School Counselor came representing the school staff.

    • Thanks for the volunteers who have brought back art in the classroom.

    • The 5th graders are all excited about the 101 Dalmations and have been practicing hard!

    • There is an early dismissal on 5/17 - 11:50am.  *PM kindergarten only, no AM

    • There is an early dismissal on 5/27 - 11:50am.  *AM kindergarten only, no PM

    • On 5/19 will be Career Day for 4th graders.  They needs parents to share - link to signup will be in email - due ⅚.

    • On 5/20 Chestnutwold will celebrate Field Day.  The events will take place during their specials block (they hope to make it longer in the years to come.) 

    • Thank you for your kindness and support during teacher appreciation week.  But mostly -”thank you for sharing your children with the staff.” Their infectious excitement fills the halls and they are glad for it.

  • Principal’s Remarks - Primary Day is coming up, and voting will be happening in the cafeteria.  The rest of the school will be locked away and staff will be assigned as security until children are dismissed (½ day). The district is encouraging registrations for next year.  Currently there are 13 new students registering in 1st grade and Kindergartens numbers are lower too.  Now and until 5/17 the teachers and staff will be working on classroom placements for next year.  If you have any concerns and needs that you think the school doesn’t already know, please email Mr. Denelsbeck.  They will not be accepting teacher requests though.  The 3rd/4th/5th graders have finished the PSSA language and math sections are finished.  Thank you for helping prepare the students.  Thank you for the teacher appreciations!  Unity Day for the 5th graders is June 3rd at the middle school.  On June 16th is move up day.  The 4th and 5th grade concert will be 5/16 @ 2:30pm, outside on the courts.  5th grade fun day will be 6/14.  On 5/23 is the elementary track meet at the middle school.  4th grade Career Fair coming - please volunteer.  

  • IDC Update - 

    • The district is implementing a new security system - safe arrival.

    • Teachers are removing their boards from the school’s website and merging their Canvas pages.  Should be more accurate soon.

    • Asking for donations for the after Prom BLAST 

      • (we budget for this already)

  • Treasurers’ Report

Bank balance on 4/30/2022 ended at $31,212.33 up from March’s ending balance of  $30,790.92.

Deposits totaled $2,740.66. This was mostly due to:

  • $740 bundt cake payments

  • $1,350 Chase Sponsor donations

Expenditures totaled $2,319.25. This was mostly due to:

  • $500 donation to Haverford Education Fund

  • $495.28 5th grade musical costs

  • $700 3rd grade field trip

  • $310 to March Madness winners

  • Our swings thermometer is over ½ way there!

    • We have more money than we have ever had at this point in the school year - we can afford the swings and we are moving forward.

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • In-School Activities

      • Clothing drive and bake sale coming up on primary day 5/17

  • Out of School Activities

    • Thanks to the high school volunteers helping with our committees. 

    • Chatter coming out with a hard copy before the end of year.

    • Chestnutwold Chase - can still register, but no guarantee for shirt anymore. There are 390 registered runners and 18 sponsors.  Sign up genius coming soon for volunteers.

      • Thank you to the Chase team for all their hard work. 

  • New Board Members Introduction and Vote

    • Lisa Mileti for Co-President, Casey Sacchetti for Co-Treasurer and Janet Peros for Vice President of In School Activities

      • 14 people in audience - 13 yeahs for each candidate - ALL POSITIONS APPROVED

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Mother’s Day Bundt Cake Pick Up- May 6th: sign up on the SignUp Genius for time slot

    • Primary Day Clothing Drive–May 17th

    • Primary Day Bake Sale- May 17th: Sign Up Genius will be going out next

    • Chestnutwold Chase- May 22nd

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Outside gym time creating come troubles with afternoon pickup

      • Denelsbeck will have groups come in 5 minutes earlier.  


April 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: April 6th,  2022

ChCK Trait: Empathy “Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins.  And it’s up to you to make that  happen.  Empathy is a quality of character that can  change the world.” – Barack Obama

  • Approval of Minutes - March Minutes approved

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Loughlin, from 5th grade,  joined us representing the teachers. She shared their various thanks to the PTO - 

*Jen Migliaccio- would like to extend a thank you on behalf of 5th grade for assistance with The Fun Day arrangements. 

*Amy Martin- would like to send a thank you for her classroom stools. She adores them!

*3rd grade wants to thank you for the field trip money.

*Kellie Lucas and Stephanie D’Annunzio- Friendly reminder the track meet is on Monday, May 23 (rain date of Tuesday 5/24) from 3:30-5:30ish, and that in the past we had parents attend the meet. Beth mentioned that previously, parents came earlier (around 2:30) to set up a tent in our designated area in the bleachers for students to sit under. We are in the first section closest to the middle school. Parents also brought water/soft pretzels for our athletes. Parents should please note that students will not be dismissed to leave until after the meet is over. 

*Jane Dambman - three of our Reading Olympic teams had their event on zoom on April 5 and our other six teams will be having their Reading Olympics event on April 7. We have had 95 4th and 5th grade students participating this year. Thank you PTO for helping with the registration costs. Thank you parents for encouraging your students to read! The Reading Olympics is a celebration of their efforts!  Thank you parents for sharing your time and support with us!  Thank you to our team of teachers who coached teams and helped on the afternoon of the events.

  • Principal’s Remarks - Spring Break begins Friday.  Mr. D will be in the building and available from Mon-Thurs.  PSSAs are coming up: ELA will be 26/27/28th, Math 3/4/5th. 5th grades will also follow with the science testing on 10/11th.  The end of the year picnic tradition is on; date to be announced.  An attendance letter has been sent to families recently and Mr. Denelsbeck apologizes for the harsh language.  Apparently there was specifically needed language, and there have been some complaints at the tone.  There have also been emails with complaints about behavior issues being sent.   Some changes will be made in the behavior approach after the return from the much needed Spring Break.  They plan to strengthen the use of CK traits, positive supports, and responsive classroom work.  The school play is coming soon - 101 Dalmatians.  On 4/21 Chestnutwold will be presenting at the school board meeting.  It is poetry month so they will focus their presentation on a poem, play, or humanities.  They had fun and success with the Rock Your Socks Down Syndrome parade; it was covered on the news and everyone had fun.  Outdoor lunch is being rotated in a controlled manner to limit crowding and supporting those who are still wearing masks.  Around 60 kids in the building still wear masks everyday.  The Reading Olympics final is coming up - good luck.  Track & Field for 4th and 5th graded started and the kids are loving it. 

  • IDC Update - Bridget McCormick

    • Thank you for submitting your questions regarding the curriculum.  The meeting is available to review on the School Board YouTube channel.

    • Jen Saksa joined the meeting, she is the former Director of Curriculum, and the Assistant Superintendent.

    • Reviewing students' progress in multiple areas.

      • Testing, Screening, Participation, and Psycho/Social Evaluations. 

      • 10% need support (5% need resources)

    • Math growth is being followed by a new test (MOBI MAX) that is more adaptive to the child; this provides a more accurate score and gives solutions and recommendations to support the child.  This information will stay with them to be comparable throughout various grade levels.  Upper levels will be compared with class averages.

    • In general, the talk of students being behind because of the pandemic has NOT been a substantial issue in the Haverford District. Those who shutdown and did not have good virtual options suffered the most. 

    • Weaknesses they are seeing in Haverford students they see so far are fractions, analytic inferences, and critical thinking.  

    • Adjustments being made for Phonics; slowed down the lessons to keep kids more on track.  3rd grade plan was implemented this year.

    • Math using Eureka Math and Zearn (online options) - some love, some hate.  It self adjusts to your child and lessons can be adjusted more personally.

    • They acknowledge the request for less screen times again.  They are looking into it.

    • MTSS can also be used for intervention enrichment to get specific programs of enrichment to the kids that need them, without singling them out.  Things switch every 6 weeks.

    • ACER funds - through the CARES ACT is helping get things back on track after Covid.  These funds are used for in school tutoring in the secondary levels.  Teachers are offered the jobs first and then they are outsourced.  Can also be optional for after school tutoring.  

    • Summer school may have an asynchronistic option available this year.

    • May 10th - the DCIU is hosting a parent program on anxiety.  It will be available in person and online (it will not be recorded).  

    • Check HTSD website under pupil services for parent resources.

    • The April School Board question is regarding “communication.”

  • Treasurers’ Report

Bank balance on 3/31/2022 ended at $30,790.92 up from February’s ending balance of  $25,891.38.

Deposits totaled $6,235.07. This was mostly due to:

  • Bag Bingo brought in $1,761.19

  • March Madness $677.71

  • Bundt Cake sales $894.43

  • Yearbook 5th grade love lines $460

  • Phoenix Family showcase $2,270

Expenditures totaled $1,335.53. This was mostly due to:

  • Fifth grade play costumes $1,036.25

  • Bag Bingo expense of $201.20

  • Classroom enhancement of $98.08

  • Easy Money Announcements - Amazon Smile earned $151

  • “New Swings” Proposal and Vote  -  “We have enough of a budget surplus to afford us the opportunity to channel those funds earned towards a large gift. In the attempt to increase the goodwill of our school community, we reviewed an option frequently requested from our student delegates: additional playground equipment, specifically more swings. Swings make the perfect give back to our community because they are beneficial to ALL kids, including children with disabilities and sensory processing needs.  Physically, swings help gross motor development, core strength, and can improve coordination and balance. Swinging also positively affects the growing brain's development and its ability to process sensory information.  Not only that, but swinging has been found to calm and ease anxiety in children; the perfect antidote to all our pandemic blues. The combination of these social, emotional, and physical benefits represent the exact kind of investment we at The Chestnutwold PTO want to make in our well rounded students and school community at large: inclusive, enriching, and inspirational (requested by the kids themselves).  We currently have two swings on the playground, which covers about 100 kids per 20 minute recess period. The new set will add 6 additional swings to the playground, including an ADA compliant seat which our current set does not have. The kids will be so excited to have this new playground equipment as it will allow for greater enjoyment of their regular school days.  It will be a long term memento to a time in which we rallied and made GOOD together - Chestnutwold Strong.”  

    • A motion was presented on a vote to approve the PTO Board’s ability to spend previously unbudgeted money to make the large, one time purchase of swings for Chestnutwold Elementary. 

    • A few questions were posed:

      • Where would they be located? -  in the far west corner of the playground, replacing the unused backstop

      • Has the school district given the approval for this project? - tentatively yes, they need the PTO approval of the funds before they can give the official yes.)

    • The vote was posed to the meeting: 19 people were present (in addition to 3 PTO Board members that couldn’t vote); 15 votes for YEA were recorded. 

    • The motion passed.  The PTO Board may move forward on spending the money for the swings. YAY!

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Bundt Cake Sale - Deadline is 4/16 

    • Union Game - 20 tickets left. Game is 4/23. Tailgate happening beforehand - look for an email. 

    • Chestnutwold Chase - happening 5/22. Urge people to register as a “Family”.  Still sponsorship opportunities - which will go on the t-shirts and signage.  This is the biggest fundraiser for our swings drive.  We need volunteers too! 

    • Spirit Wear Sale - on right now. Last of the year. 

  • Guest Speaker HTSD Education Foundation James Liou 

    • Local Chestnutwold parent and also the President of the HTSDEF

    • The Educations Foundation has been around since 2004 and is a volunteer organization that raises funds to support innovative ideas that benefit our schools.  They offer mini-grants at $1500, and power grants in the $10k+ range all to support Haverford School District students.

    • Twilight Run is coming April 30th - 5k/ 1 mile race with lots of pre/post race activities for the whole family.  There is a trophy that will go to the school with the highest percentage of students racing.  (Currently Chatham Park are the reigning champs.) Walkers are okay, and they still need sponsors.  All are welcome and encouraged to join the fun event. 

    • He asks for a $500 donation from our PTO to support their fundraising efforts. In exchange we will be listed on their website and t-shirt.  

      • PTO immediately approves the request, as it is an already budgeted expense that we expected. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Yearbook Order deadline- April 15th

    • Mother’s Day Bundt Cake Sale- April 16th

    • Chestnutwold at the Philadelphia Union- April 23rd

    • PTO Meeting- May 4th

    • Chestnutwold Chase- May 22nd

March 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: March 2, 2022

  • ChCK Trait: Respect- “Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.” – U. Thant

  • Thanks-  Thanks to Denzell Stanislaus, Sarah and Melissa for organizing Talking to Your Kids About Race, also thank you to all who attended and participated!

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Wroblewski and Ms. Corr joined the meeting representing the teachers.  They send their thanks for a successful healthy heart day. Everyone had a lot of fun. Thank you to all the parents for the Valentine’s party help too! Ms. Dambman wants everyone to know about the upcoming Reading Olympics.  It will be 2 nights (April 5th, April 7th), and there are many creatively named teams!   Nicole Tallon sends along her thanks for the seat sacks.  Ms. Beiter also says thanks for her seat sacks.  (She and her class sent along a picture and thank you note for the PTO.)  Finally, the teachers request help in getting a new microwave for the teachers lounge; theirs just broke.

  • Principal’s Remarks - Read Across America day and week happening.  Mystery readers are coming into the building again.  The 101 Dalmatians play is practicing right now.  There will be 4 shows (equaling 400 seats available) to watch.  The 4th/5th grade band concert is going to be outside this year.  Be You by Peter Reynolds selected as the school book for the next year.  Everyone really liked it immediately and it lines up well with the Chestnutwold ChK Traits.  Assemblies are slated to return for the 2022/2023 school year.  Field trips have been okayed for Spring of 2022.  5th Grade end of the year activities are being planned now. Floor Hockey is coming up (will be run similarly to the flag football). They are down to 2 lunch monitors again. Actively looking to hire if anyone is looking.  Looking into opening up and re-igniting the new family orientation to already established students next year to reconnect with the ideas of who Chesnutwold is. (Maybe pair reading buddies style with young/old families?)  They are building the school calendar to include more family curriculum.  Ms. Dambman is retiring at the end of the year.  Wish her well as she and her husband end their long careers in education.  Teacher appreciation day is coming up on May 3rd. District has moved to Mask Recommended this week.  Approximately 45% of the school (teachers and students) were masked the 1st day.  Progressive decline in that number in the following days as people become more comfortable.  1 classroom is still requiring masks.  

  • IDC Update Bridget McCormick

    • Thanks for answering social/emotional feedback form.

    • Gov Wolf’s budget moving forward - although probably won’t end up staying the same as currently written. As is though - school districts will have major impact with a change to flat rate charges for charter schools.  $9800 flat vs. $13k reg ed and $39k spec ed 

    • Nicole Velicelli, Director of Pupil Services, is addressing the district’s social and emotional wellness and mental health needs.  We currently have 2 social workers in the district, 2 licensed psychiatrists, and 1 behavioral specialist.  Lakeside (contracted company) offers additional programs as needed. Also Holcomb has outside services for student assistance available.  SDHT is doing some screenings - 6th and 9th grade started this year. They want to do 3rd grade next but they need an additional counselor available first. If you are noticing your child having a problem, reach out to the teacher first.  It then goes to the counselor who knows about all the resources available now.  This information is on the District website under pupil services, left side menu - mental health resource guide.  You can also find information on wellness, and the “Counselor's Corner.”  

    • There is a live parent training by the DCIU in MAY regarding anxiety.

    • March’s IDC meeting will be about curriculum.  If you want to send in questions, please make them in a general format (not regarding a specific personal situation).

  • Treasurers’ Report

Bank balance on 2/28/2022 ended at $25,241.91 up from January’s ending balance of  $23,292.05.

Deposits totaled $5,500. This was mostly due to:

  • $4,000 - Bag Bingo tickets

  • $1,500 - yearbook Love Lines for 5th graders

Expenditures totaled $2,900.67. This was mostly due to:

  • $300 to CHOP (donation for gender webinar) 

  • $300 to Denzell Stanislaus for Conversation about Race 

  • $2,250.44 Bag Bingo expenses (MC, venue rental, prizes, bags, etc)

  • Working towards our goal of a big gift of 6 swings and possibly a picnic table.  Next month we will vote on the spending - please plan to come and participate.

  • PTO board positions are open for next year (Co-treasurer, Co-president, In-school activities) - your kids will think you’re cool if you are on the PTO Board!!! 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Bag Bingo- March 4th-SOLD OUT- 

      • We’re excited - thank you to Amy and Amy!

    • Telethon/Talent Show

      • Submissions are due March 16th - get practicing!

      • We need pictures, performances, anything creative - send it in

      • Fundraising will happen in show

    • Chestnutwold Chase

      • Info coming soon

    • Clubs

      • Running club - need coach for 5th grade and Kindergarten, assistant coaches needed in all grades, trying to start around Spring Break - look for sign up

      • Yoga and Art Clubs coming April 6th

      • Track n Field for 4th/5th graders - sign ups will be in school. Coaches - Lucas and Funzio

  • Approved Meeting Minutes for November 2021 and February 2022 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • March 4th- Bag Bingo

    • March 25th- Telethon/Talent Show

    • April 6th - PTO Meeting (School Board visiting)

    • April 23rd- Chestnutwold at the Philadelphia Union

    • Mothers Day Bundt Cake Sale

    • May 22nd- Chestnutwold Chase

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Can running club groups be split for boys/girls?  

      • Up to the coaches, but generally can be worked that way

    • Phoenix Fun Day for next year - SEPT 30, 2022

      • Ursula’s last year - suggests that she be a co-chair to help hand over things before she leaves

Feb 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: February 2, 2022

Meeting held via ZOOM

  • ChCK Trait: Responsibility “Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him and to let him know you trust him” -Booker T. Washington

  • Thanks-  Thanks to Nina Wickersham for organizing the 10 Days of Giveaways before the holidays.  Also thanks to Samantha King from CHOP and Addie Johnson for the Conversation about Gender Workshop and to all those who attended.

  • Teacher’s Remarks - 2nd Grade teachers Ms. Gretchen and Ms. McCusker joined the meeting via Zoom: Thank you for the 10 days of Giveaways over the holidays provided by the PTO. It really was great for the environment and made everyone feel festive and appreciated.  Also they thank us for the rainbow showing support in the first few weeks after the Winter Break.  The teachers were stretched thin and they thought it was really thoughtful to be appreciated in a display that both they and their kids could enjoy.  They thank all the helpers and the parents in advance for keeping up with the Covid protocols and for helping to make the Valentine celebrations come together.  Reminder that homeroom parents need to be vaxxed and check in with the office.  Also, no candy will be allowed this year.  

  • Principal’s Remarks - The office has a google sheet for parents who volunteer with vaccination status; anyone who volunteers must be qualified on this list or be contacted to fix the issue.  School is tightening up about allergy situations.  Reminder to the school community that food choices need to be considerate of allergy protocols. (again, no food for Valentine’s Day treats) Also, no dogs allowed at pickup and drop off - some people are allergic and rules that were eased in Covid need to be tightened again.

  • IDC Update - (Inter District Council - reps from all the school’s in the district gather once a month with the Superintendent to share feedback from the local school community’s perspective.)  Tori DelMastro

    • Lots of talk about Covid protocols , but nothing is decided yet.  Regardless of the upcoming decision, nothing would happen overnight.  There will be a layered approach, complete with teacher training, etc, about how to transition from Pandemic to Endemic way of dealing with things. 

    • There were also lots of questions about gun violence and how threats were treated in the district.  All plans were situational and they can’t release the exact protocols for safety.

    • Look for emails coming soon about the district's attempt to merge more mental health care into the upcoming curriculums.  

      • Will there be a Spring Open House to meet with Dr. Ruesche? - not sure

      • IDC committee will be coming to one of Chestnutwold’s PTO meetings soon.

  • Treasurers’ Report

Bank balance on 1/31/2022 ended at $23,292.05 DOWN from DECEMBER’s ending balance of $25,974.24.

Deposits totaled $1,037.51. This was mostly due to:

  • $250 Box Tops earnings

  • $150 Taddeo’s Holiday sale

  • $436.51 Learning Express holiday sale

Expenditures totaled $3,719.70. This was mostly due to:

  • Bag Bingo costs $709.55 (St. George’s Church, MC, supplies)

  • Year Books cost to Jostens: $2,805 

  • Melissa reminded the group that...It always sounds like we have a lot of money in our budget, but as a reminder we are still trying to buy the school a nice playground gift.  We are pricing out equipment and Mr. Denelsbeck is working with the facilities manager about options.  Currently looking at some swings, a gaga ball pit, and a picnic table for the front of the school.  As we continue to fundraise we really appreciate all the support and ask people to keep in mind where we hope to send that money.

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • A Conversation about Race: A virtual event hosted by Denzell Stanislaus 

      • Look for upcoming eventbrite to sign up for link

    • Bag Bingo - Amy Solweki and Amy Sweeney 

      • March 4th- Tickets will be limited to 100 and will be $40 per ticket, email with ticket form will be sent this week. 

      • Using St. George’s for the first time but they seem to be a good fit.  Other local groups have successfully used their space and they have been accommodating.  

      • Indoor event - going under the assumption that those who are comfortable dining in a restaurant will be comfortable in this similar setting. 

        • PTO to ask guests that masks be worn when not eating/drinking, or not sitting at table - like restaurant guidelines.  

        • Teachers asked if help is needed - not necessary, hired help.

    • Telethon/Talent Show - Allison Kittridge - “Phoenix Family Showcase”, March 25th  

      • Family Night/talent show fusion, want many types of participation. You Tube link presentation with timed slots with total of 90 minutes of talent with 30 minutes of MC stuff.

      • Ask the teachers to help boost the idea and help the kids find the fun in the idea

      • Encourage people to gather together for watch parties

      • Need help with the tech aspect of the slide show

        • Alexandra Reed (and family) offered to help!

      • Look for Sign up Genius coming soon

    • Chestnutwold Chase - May 22nd (need building approval)  

      • Still need volunteer to spearhead the sponsorship component.  Have resources and information on past donors - should be an easy job for the right person.  

        • Also need to add a snack coordinator volunteer to handle that

      • Running club will begin at the end of February and lead up the Chase.  Separate form for signups because no space limit - all welcome.  

        • Will need volunteers to help

    • Philadelphia Union Game - April 23

      • Buy 1, get 1 free tickets = $31 tickets (for 2)

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • February 23rd- A Conversation about Race: A virtual event hosted by Denzell Stanislaus

    • March 2nd - PTO meeting (7:30pm)

    • March 4th - Bag Bingo

    • March 25 - Telethon/Talent Show

    • May 22nd (tentative date)- Chestnutwold Chase

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Kindergarten registration has 63 kids so far (less than the past year)

Nov 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

 Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: 11/3/21

  • October Meeting Minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait POSITIVE ATTITUDE  “Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite.” Joy Harjo

  • Thanks 

    • Taddeo’s Greenhouse - $400 gifted to us

    • Trunk-or-treat committee & volunteers

    • Club leaders for bringing clubs back!

    • Bake sale volunteers and contributors - over $800 raised

    • Beth Clauss for organizing the clothing drive

    • Rachel Mathias for organizing the online spirit wear sale

  • Teacher’s Remarks - 3rd Grade teachers Ms. Martin and Ms. Montgomery joined the meeting in person: Thank you for the teacher enhancements provided by the PTO. Thank you for all the helpers and the parents for making the Halloween celebrations come together.  Make sure to sign up for a teacher conference for the week of 11/22 - 11/24; look for an email from your teacher with a sign up genius link.  Also Ronnie Moss has asked that we add her to Fresh Schools.  

  • Principal’s Remarks - The trimester is coming to an end, and conferences are being scheduled. Report cards will be sent on Dec. 20th.  Veterans Day is coming and they will be celebrating veterans with the Hometown Heroes activity.  Today (11/3) all buses arrived by 3:45pm for the first time; hoping things will be more and more on track there.  Starting to think about options for service project ideas for the holiday season.  The school is following a lighter homework plan this year to help the kids adjust to the school pace again. They will get more eventually, but enjoy it now.  Thank you for the Trunk or Treat; it was a great school and community event.  5th graders doing the morning announcements has started.  The goal will be to record and have the announcements available on the school’s YouTube channel.  Flag football will be starting on Nov. 15th.  It will be coached by Ms. Kelly-D'Annunzio.  Homeroom delegate elections are happening this November.  Picture retakes will be Nov 17th.  He understands the concern about the few recent 5th grade recess incidents.  He sees their response not as punishment, rather as a management situation. The teachers are cohorting the children into smaller groups.  They have lost no privileges, they are just not in one large mingling group.  There have been no further incidents in the 5 days of this management tactic.  He stressed they are not short of staff, but it is a challenging job for the *5 monitors who work 2.5 hours each day. (*2 are slated to resign shortly)

  • IDC Update - Tori Delmastro

    • November 4th: the district will be moving to approve a “test to stay” policy. This will help cut down on students quarantining.

    • November 9th: There will be an open board meeting at the CREC. The President and Vice President will be there informally to answer questions. 

Times: 9am - 10am and 7pm -8pm

  • Treasurers’ Report

Bank balance on 10/30/2021 ended at $22,452.39 up from September’s ending balance of  $18,489.28.

Deposits totaled $10,722.50. This was mostly due to:

  • Dance-a-thon donations of $4,310, 

  • PFD pizza and bake sale $2,218.50, 

  • Holiday Market sign-ups for tables $630

  • Spirit Wear sales of $3,564 at Dance-a-thon

Expenditures totaled $6,759.39. This was mostly due to:

  • Dance-a-thon DJ expense of $599

  • Purchasing Spirit Wear bulk-up, hats/tumblers/etc. which cost $2,235.15

  • Phoenix Fun Day Sam’s Pizza orders of $2,312.50

  • We did the Coffee Station and Treats to say thank you to teachers for $245, 

  • We did classroom enhancements for Mrs. Strawley, Ms. Neri, Ms. McEntee, Ms. Labrasca, Ms. Tallon, and Mr. Cox totaling $713.03.


  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Book Fair-Natalie Silver - 25% of the book fair proceeds benefit school.  Virtual set up a good way to help get the right materials to the teachers directly.   Teachers will have wish lists and eWallets that we can donate to for classroom libraries.  There will be Free Shipping for $25+; and it will arrive before the holiday break.  Look for an email with information and links coming soon.

    • Holiday Market- Pam Bogdanoff - Dec 4th.  1st Annual market.  30 vendors confirmed, a kids dance troupe will perform, the Haverford Library will be doing a storytime, and there will be kid friendly craft stations.  Flyer with schedule coming soon.  Rain date is Sunday the 5th.

  • VP: Out-of-School Activities Updates

    • Lego Club has 2 sessions: Wed- 1st, 2nd, &3rd; Fri- 4th, 5th

    • Roots and Shoots starts 11/4

    • Chatter is underway

    • Dungeons & Dragons starts next week - 11/9

    • Art Club for 4th & 5th starts 11/9; 3rd, 2nd, 1st & K will start in March

    • Will be holding more clubs in the Spring

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Virtual Book Fair - 11/22-12/5

    • Holiday Market - 12/4

    • Virtual Talent Show

    • Next PTO Meeting Feb 2nd

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • General request to share more specific details about the classroom enhancements that PTO provides.

      • Addie will make the data available and we will post on the website.

    • Parent Question: What can monitors do about the behavior of the kids at recess?  What are the defined consequences of bad behavior?  

      • The school works with a responsive classroom behavior model; problems are behaviors and not as much punishable as they are teachable. 

      • Denelsbeck does not like the idea of a sit out bench or other shaming style punishments; it is not what Chestnutwold is about.  He is, however, open to ideas and other feedback; please email him directly, he welcomes the feedback.  

    • Parent Comment: We’re all trying to do our best to get things back to normal, but the kids have been through things and are not all bouncing back right away.  Yes we need behavior repercussions, but can we come up with creative ways to boost the kids’ mental health at the same time.  Can we try something new?  

    • General discussion about the concern of communal punishment and the idea of recess as a privilege.  The effect that some of the students are feeling about the back and forth is causing undue stress.

      • Mr. Denelsbeck never wants the kids to lose recess. 

      • 3 new 5th grade teachers, it is still the beginning of the school year, and trainings are ongoing.  That being said, everyone is trying their best to keep the kids safe.

    • General comments about the idea of peer mediators, giving kids a chance to have ownership in fixing their issues.  Could there be positive consequences? (school clean up, volunteer activities, etc)  How can the “alpha” group be given consequences without punishment?

    • General discussion about screen limits and access in classrooms.  Some apps and websites are still making it through.  Parents surprised at how much screen time still being used in a post-virtual school setting.  

Oct 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: 10/6/21

  • September Meeting Minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait TRUSTWORTHINESS “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved”— George MacDonald

  • Presidents’ Updates - “Thank you Teachers” Coffee Service 10/8 (House Cup will set up and manage, PTO to meet and greet - and bring a fruit tray) BIG thanks to the Phoenix Fun Day Chairs and volunteers: it was a very successful event!  We need to use Fresh Schools more in order to quantify the cost.  It is a wonderful tool, but without full participation is hard to use to its full potential.

  • Teacher’s Remarks - 4th grade teachers Ms. Strawley and Ms. McEntee joined the meeting via Zoom: Thanks for the classroom enhancements and for support to the teachers. They are feeling the love.  It’s time for Homeroom Helpers to discuss with their teachers about the Halloween celebration this year.  Details are being decided and they want to make sure the kids have a fun and safe celebration.  Everyone is excited about the upcoming coffee appreciation event.

  • Principal’s Remarks - Mr. Denelsbeck: School started the MTSS curriculum.  Every 6 weeks a new section will begin.  Re-evals happen 3x’s per school year.  They will not be sharing the classification levels of your students MTSS assignment.  Halloween is coming up.  He will allow an outdoor costume parade; parties are still in an uncertain state.  Details will be decided on soon.  He will also look into the option of a traditional  pajama day on the day after Halloween.  

  • Treasurers’ Report - 

    • Phoenix Fun Day Results:

      • Revenue: $13,658.75/Expenses: $4232.75

      • Totals for Event: $9426.00

        • Budgeted Profit: $8700.00/Budgeted Variance: $726.00/% Above Profit: 8.34%

      • Spirit Wear Sales from Event: $3564.00

      • TOTAL INCOME for EVENT: $12990.00

    • Bank balance on 9/30/2021 ended at $18,489.28 up from August’s ending balance of  $11,763.20.

    • Deposits totaled $8,991.00. This was mostly due to Dance-a-Thon donations of $5,380.00, Spirit Wear at the Welcome Back Picnic brought in $1,481, PFD pizza orders totaled $2,060.  

    • Expenditures totaled $2,264.92. This was mostly due to Phoenix Fun Day expenses which included the bounce house slide, popcorn maker, and button making materials which totaled $1,088.49. We also bought yoga mats for the yoga club and LEGO club for $351.60. Lastly, our Fresh Schools membership cost $600.

    • Discussed running a contest for the class that has the best numbers with Easy Money Fundraising.

    • Also, a request came in from the music teacher.  She requests some help coming up with a solution for sound proofing her front windows of the classroom.  Would be interested in having some people sew some curtains (or similar).  PTO will look for interested volunteers for the project.  

  • VP: In-School Activities Updates 

    • Trunk or Treat is happening - Sat, Oct 30 - 6:30-7:30 

      • Free Event, 45 cars can join in, no bathrooms will be available

    • Book Fair will be both Virtual and In person this year. 

      • Virtual dates - Nov 22- Dec 5/ In person May 10-14

      • We will be putting together teacher wish lists 

    • Election Day Clothing Drive and Bake Sale - Nov 2

      • Make sure bags aren’t too heavy 

      • ONLY - Shoes, Clothes, Soft Toys - no books, housewares, etc

    • Holiday Market - Dec 4, 10am-3pm

      • 30 businesses interested, including kid crafters

    • Taddeo’s Plant Sale - this weekend Oct 8,9,10

    • Need Host for Virtual Talent Show this year - to happen in winter months sometime

    • Artist in the Classroom is looking like it may happen in the Spring

  • VP: Out-of-School Activities Updates 

    • Fall Clubs beginning: Roots and Shoots, Art Club, Lego Club, D&D, and The Chatter 

      • All will be outdoor and weather permitting

      • Clubs will cap at 15-20 students; they will need to provide a top favorites club list in order to accommodate something for everyone.  

      • Some clubs are in need of materials - *specifically we need Lego’s for Lego Club (yoga mats have arrived for Yoga and Lego club use)

    • Still waiting for start dates for Yoga, Spanish, Chess, Photo and Sketch Clubs

    • Running Clubs will take place in the spring

  • Secretary’s Updates - 

    • Vote on sept minutes

    • Please get in the habit of referring back to PTO website for information unity

  • Upcoming Events

    • Thank you Teachers Coffee Service - 10/8

    • Trunk-or-Treat - 10/30

    • Clothing Drive and Bake Sale - 11/2

    • Next PTO meeting - 11/3 

    • Virtual Book Fair - 11/22-12/5

    • Holiday Market - 12/4

Sept 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: 9/14/21

  • ChCK Trait EMPATHY “You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.” – John Steinbeck.

  • Thanks to the welcome Committee Chairs Amy & Sandy and volunteer host families. Spirit wear lady-Rachel Mathias. To all teachers and faculty for a great start back to school!

  • Teacher’s Remarks - 1st grade teachers -  Ms. Bieter and Ms. Tallon: Thanks to all the parents for sending in school supplies; it makes things so much easier for them and they appreciate it.  Also, Mrs. Gretchen sends her thanks to the PTO for purchasing her the seat sacks!  

  • Principal’s Remarks - Mr. Denelsbeck: Back to School night in person, but limited to 1 parent.  He would prefer parents would Zoom in their attendance.  Details coming soon. The staff are preparing for the district's 3 strategic goals which include 21st century academic skills, social-emotional learning (SEL) and increased diversity and inclusion work. The Guidance program has changed its name to SEL (Social-Emotional Learning). It is a full school this year; new classroom has been added in the LGI. School Secretary Mrs. Hoy is moving along and we are welcoming “Ronnie” Moss in her place on Sept 24th.  

  • Treasurers’ Report - 

    • Bank balance on 8/30/2021 ended at $11,763.20 down from June’s ending balance of $14,829.95.

    • Deposits in July/August totaled $286.99 mostly due to Amazon Smile earning $109.99 and spirit wear making $135. 

    • Expenditures in July/August totaled $3,353.74. Expenditures were mostly due to buying 5th graders yearbooks. We paid Jostens $1,274.96, 5th grade t-shirts cost $600, we paid for our Zoom and Square Space accounts costing a total of $332.74, and lastly we bought the school new recess/gym balls costing $932.43.

    • Budget proposed and voted on.  Vote passed via hand vote with over a ⅔ approval.  

  • Clubs & Events - 

    • Clubs that need chair that are NOT filled: Chestnutwold Chatter, Chess Club, Trunk or Treat, Lego Club, Roots & Shoots, MLK Day of Service, Chestnutwold Chase

    • Possible new clubs: Spanish Club, Yoga Cub (possibility of PTO getting yoga mats to use with Yoga Club and Lego Club)

    • Holiday Market - outside at Chestnutwold, vendors, Hot Cocoa, possibly Dec 4

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Homeroom Helper needs volunteers especially 1st grade

    • Phoenix Fun Day & Dance a Thon coming up. Some things are altered due to Covid, but fun still remains.  First ½ will be “Fun Day” - games, inflatable slide, bake sale, pizza sale (pre-order to reserve); second ½ “dance a thon” - fundraiser, but can participate even if you don’t (Venmo - make sure to list your child’s name so they can be eligible for prize).

  • Easy Money Announcements

    • Amazon smile

    • Boxtops 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Phoenix fun day 10/1/21

    • Fall plant sale - @Taddeo’s, info coming soon

    • Trunk or treat - either 10/29 or 10/30 - need chair to lead

  • Next Meeting

    • October 6th 7:30 pm

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • General discussion about the rules for in school activities and volunteers regarding Covid.

      • Principal says that currently he is expecting limited in school options and parent in school participation will be discouraged. Chance for “proof of vaccination” volunteers on a limited basis.  Everything this year is fluid and expect to see changes in guidelines as the year goes - plan to PIVOT. 

    • Parent questions about a couple lunch issues (particularly choices being limited); question about how that affects kids with food allergies. 

      • Issue with oven - has been fixed.  All previous kinks being worked out, and should be fine moving forward.

    • Parent questions about 1st grade dismissal with no sight releases. 

      • Mr. Denelsbeck will work with group next day to ensure a new dismissal plan. 

    • Parent welcomes Mr. Denelsbeck to community (that is made up of magical special sauce!); hope he embraces this vibe and helps nurture its continuity. Shared her support of him moving forward.  

      • He gets “it”- the special sauce; he is here for the parents and welcomes feedback and input. 

May 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: 5/5/21

April meeting minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait TRUSTWORTHINESS “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” Earnest Hemingway

  • Thanks -TEACHERS! 

    • Parent volunteers running after school clubs! Roots n shoots, D&D, running club

    • Beth and all the plant lovers that shopped the Taddeo’s sale.

    • Nina Wickersham for organizing the teacher appreciation week giveaways!

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you for the treats and giveaways! 

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Tuesday is election day, no school

    • 5/21 is a half day (AM K is not is session, PM K reports)

    • More and more writing awards are coming each day!

    • 5th grade won top in the country in a recent competition

    • PSSA’s start next week

    • 5/27 will be field day. HOL students invited. More to come. 

    • June- grade 5 celebration 

  • IDC Update 

    • Discussed how each school handles new families to the elementary schools. Chestnutwold has set the standard. 

    • Next meeting: to discuss what we have learned, what went well that we want to keep, what we want to return to, what changes we want to see. Please complete the survey that was sent in the blast! Due 5/14. 

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Bank balance on 4/30/2021 ended at $24,216.98 down from March’s ending balance of $24,322.57.

    • Deposits in April totaled $650, mostly due to love lines for the yearbook. 

    • Expenditures in April totaled $755.59 due to paying the March Madness winners $275, Brave Conversations about Race for $300, and Teacher Appreciation giveaways totalling $180.50. 

  • Easy Money Announcements

    • Box tops- end of May turn in is coming. Class that turns in the most box tops will have a celebration party!

    • Support Chestnutwold through Amazon Smile! 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Teacher appreciation lunch 5/7/21

    • Election day clothing drive 5/18/21

    • Chase 6/6/21- 1 mile fun run

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

April 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes:4/7/21

March Meeting Minutes Approved 

  • ChCK Trait TRUSTWORTHINESS- Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.-sStephen Covey

  • A quorum of attendees voted on the school board members for the 2021-2022 school year:

    • Co-Treasurer- Adeline Johnson

    • Secretary- Rachel Walker 

    • VP out of school activities- Sarah McCafferty

    • Co-President- Elizabeth Stranzl

  • School board members introduction

    • Dr. Maureen Reusche

    • Larry Feinberg

    • Kristin Larsen

    • Bridget Wiedman

  • Thanks 

    • To those that purchased goodies during the spirit wear sale, Thanks Rachel Mathias for all your efforts!

    • The families who participated in Quizzo, Thanks Nina Wickersham & Pam Bogdanoff for organizing!

    • March Madness, thanks to those that participated and big thanks to Domonique and Jeff for putting it together, Winners TBA

  • Teacher’s Remarks

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Looking to improve the car line

    • 56 poetry winners in 5th grade, 20 winners in 3rd grade 

    • PSSA (3rd, 4th and 5th grade) is coming in May. Letter to be sent by Mr. D tomorrow.  

    • Field day planning is underway. More details to come. 

    • Will be adding student morning announcements: joke of the day, etc.

    • Questions from Mr. D (email him with any additional answers):

      • Some things that you would like to continue and not change:

        • Continue with CHck traits and SEL

        • Less homework

        • Use of computers 

        • Switching between two teachers only in 4th

        • Zoom meetings 

        • Students emailing teachers 

        • Morning meeting 

      • Some things that you miss about the old way of school:

      • Some things that you would not like to see continue: 

        • Too much screen time → would prefer screen time in moderation

        • Lugging computers to and from school

        • I do find the changing start/pickup times too confusing.  I would hope to have consistent in/out times when we get back to "normal"

        • No virtual snow days

  • IDC Update 

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Our bank balance on 3/31/2021 ended at $24,322.57 up from February’s ending balance of  $23,900.04 .

    • Our deposits in March totaled $1,735.00, mostly due to love lines for the yearbook totaling $200, Quizzo deposits of $980, and March Madness totaling $450. 

    • Our expenditures in March totaled $1,312.47 due to Quizzo costing $750, Quizzo prizes totaling $239.25, a classroom enhancement for $211.45, and Dungeons and Dragons club for $111.77. 

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Earned $200 in box tops this year

    • Continue to use Amazon Smiles!

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Running club starts next week. Emails will be sent out this week. 

    • Cultural newsletter to be sent out by the end of the year. Will utilize the newsletter function in Fresh Schools. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Brave conversations about race 4/20 7pm

    • Taddeo’s spring plant sale May, date TBD

    • Election Day Clothing Drive - May 18th - 8am-3pm

    • The Chase- May TBD

  • Next Meeting

    • May 5th 7:30 pm

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • March Madness has outstanding debts, Don’t stress! if you signed up please double check that you paid so that we can announce the winners!

March 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: March 3, 2021

  • February meeting minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait-“See the light in each other. Be the light for each other.” -anonymous 

  • Thanks 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • General thank you to all of the support from the parents. We know how hard this year has been. 

    • Thank you to homeroom parents for helping with parties for Valentines day.

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Kindergarten families will get an email tomorrow or friday- changing cohort schedules

  • IDC Update 

    • No meeting this month

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Balance: $23,900.04 up from January which was $23,646.55 

    • Deposits $3,085.46, mainly from bundt cakes which was $580

    • Expenditures: $2831.97, mainly from bundt cake order of $2280 and buying multicultural crayons totaling $325

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Get the box top app and scan your receipts!

    • Amazon smiles- choose Chestnutwold as charity of choice! PTO just received $185.46

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Virtual Dungeons and Dragons club has started

    • Roots and shoots club has started 

    • Let the PTO know if you are interested in joining either club

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

February 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: 2/3/21

January Meeting Minutes Approved

  • ChCK Trait: RESPECT  “A person’s a person, no matter how small”-Dr. Suess

  • Thanks 

    • Nina Wickersham- Bundt cakes 

    • Faculty for the amazing signs at Chestnutwold!

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you all!

    • 5th grade team- “thank you for the author visit that will take place at the end of February”

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Upcoming Chestnutwold activity challenge- more details to come

    • 2/12 is a virtual half day

    • 2/15- no school

    • Discussion at tomorrows board meeting in regard to getting kids back into the classroom 

  • IDC Update 

    • Email to come from Dr. Reusche- asking for us to advocate for our children to be in school

    • If anyone has any questions for the IDC, please out to the reps. More information can be found in the blast. 

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Balance: $23,646.55, up from $23,218.94

      • Expenditures: $108.78- classroom enhancement 

      • Deposits: $536.40- taddeo plant sale ($350), box tops ($176.40)

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Please download the box tops app and scan your receipts!

    • Please save Chestnutwold PTO as the charity for Amazon Smile

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Virtual roots and shoots club coming

    • Virtual dungeons and dragons club coming

    • Looking for volunteers to lead grade level running clubs

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Bundt cake pick up 2/12

    • Looking into having the Chestnutwold Chase (race) in the Spring

    • Valentines class parties- send in your Valentine’s

    • Chestnutwold activity challenge 

  • Next Meeting

    • 3/3/2021

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Haverford Education Fund - looking into targeted ways to support BASIS


January 2021 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: January 6, 2021

  • December meeting minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait: Responsibility Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. - Williams James 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Cultural newsletter update-Latanya King

      • Quarterly cultural blast

      • Each blast will highlight a culture within Chestnutwold

      • Looking for parent and student volunteers- more details to come  

  • Thanks

    • To the families that donated for the specials teachers and the cookies for the staff! All the extra love is so appreciated. 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you to the PTO for the 10 days of giveaways and treats

    • Thank you for the ongoing support and for making this unconventional school year work

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • AIMS testing showed the best results compared to years past

    • Reading Olympics (4th and 5th grade) will take place in the spring with about  7 teams 

    • Word masters: results still coming in, scored 185 out of 200, placing 3rd or 4th in the country 

    • Poetry contest: results still coming in, so far 25 5th graders earned publication rights within Creative Publications 

    • Valentine’s day parties: homeroom teachers/parents to coordinate. If anyone is going to bring in items for the party (no food), bring in 3 days in advance ie: bags, etc. 

    • Professional learning- more information to come from teachers, will be ½ days for the students

    • March 9th- BASIS presentation, more details to come

  • IDC Update 

    • Meeting later this month

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Recap 10 days of giveaways

    • 2020 fundraising: Learning Express, clothing drive, telethon, Taddeo's x 2, bake sale = $11,022.47

    • Budget:

      • Balance: $23,218.94 up from $22,064.42

      • Deposits $3,826.45- Telethon $125, anonymous donation $1,500, spirit wear $673.93 

      • Expenditures: $2,671.93- laminator $2,329.99, teacher appreciation $244.99

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Please use the box tops app! Will also collect box tops at the end of February and the end of the year. 

    • Please use Amazon Smile! 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Looking for someone to chair a virtual game night ie: Bingo or quizzo

    • Kindergarten registration this Monday 1/11/21

    • 1/18 Everything Bundt cakes fundraiser (orders due by 1/31)

      • $25 per cake, PTO gets $5 per cake ordered

      • Pick up on 2/12. 

    • Winter activity challenge coming soon!

    • MLK day of service: in lieu of our normal event, we encourage you to donate to a local charity. More details will be sent in the PTO blast. 

    • Next online spirit wear sale coming in the spring 

    • Online art share: CALLING ALL CREATIVE CREATURES! After your young artists are finished working on some art, coloring or building, send a picture to the PTO email and we will share/post it for our Phoenix family to enjoy. If you post it yourself remember to tag us and add a hashtag! We can help the kids share their creative side with each other.  #chestnutwoldpto #chestnutwoldstrong #chestnutwoldproud

  • Next Meeting 2/3/21

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Check your email on Mondays for the weekly blast for messages and events

    • Check-in anytime on Instagram and Facebook for what’s going on at CWold. 

December 2020 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: Wednesday, December 3rd

  • Approval of minutes

    • November meeting minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait: Integrity

    • “Knowing what must be done does away with fear”-Rosa Parks

  • Thanks

    • Christine Shindler, Meghan Grissom,  Beth Clauss, Volunteers for Election day, Mr. Gary

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you for the laminator and laptop stand

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Planning for a winter sing a long. More details to come

    • School will remain virtual through December 9th, school board voting tomorrow 12/3/2020

  • IDC Update 

    • IDC reps met with Belonging and Sociocultural Identities in School (BASIS) team. 

      • Plan to provide training for all staff in the district

      • Aim to make every student feel comfortable in school 

      • Developing an equity team for each building and a district team, etc. 

      • School board voted to attend anti racism training 

      • The district has developed a People of Color Infinity Group

    • Nearly half of the bus drivers have been out on leave → utilization of part time drivers 

      • Should be resolved come Monday 12/7

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Balance: $22,064.42 up from $16,006.90 in October 

    • Expenditures: $641.43 for our PTO Today membership of $494.00 and a classroom enhancement for 1st grade for $147.34

    • Deposits: $6,698.86, mostly due to the telethon raising $5,100, the clothing drive donations earning $827.80, and election day bake sale earning $664.54

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Amazon smiles- last month totaled $147.34

    • Box Tops year to date earned $123.90 for the year, please scan your receipt to the box tops app!

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Book Fair- ends 12/4

    • Cultural Newsletter- Latanya King will chair this, others have also volunteered to help. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please reach out to the PTO. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Book Fair ends 12/4

    • Taddeos winter plant sale 12/4 - 12/6 

  • Next Meeting

    • Wednesday, January 6, 2021

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 


November 2020 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: November 4th, 2020

  • Approval of minutes

    • October meeting minutes approved

  • ChCK Trait

    • “What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” ― J. Sidlow Baxter

  • Thanks: 

    • Beth Claus for the clothing drive and learning express, Rachel Mathias for Spirit Wear, Allison Kitteridge for bake sale (earned up $627!!), Christine Schindler and Megan Grissom for the Telethon.

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • “2nd grade sends our sincerest thanks for the awesome organizational bins for our classrooms!  They have been helping tremendously and have lightened the students’ backpacks too! Many thanks, awesome PTO!!!! :)”

    • Ms. Lebraska in 1st grade says “thank you for the laptop stand.” 

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Trimester ends next week

      • Report cards will be sent via email 12/11

    • Conferences as planned on November 23rd, 24th, 25th

    • Picture retakes November 18th and 19th

    • District is considering options to increase the amount of face time with students in the school

    • Board meetings:

      • Next board meeting will be to discuss the numbers and plan

        • Mr D. will share our comments/concerns with the board

      • Following board meeting will present an AM/PM split model, cohort A will be 8:35 - 11:30 and cohort B 12:50 -3:30. Focus will be on math and language arts (still have I and E and morning meeting). 

  • Intradistrict council (IDC) Update 

    • IDC is a group of school reps, Dr. Reusche, and other reps that meet to discuss issues brought up by parents and PTO’s

    • Last meeting highlights:

      • Dr. Reusche Suggested there is a financial cost associated with making change to AM/PM proposed cohort 

      • Dr Reusche says “thank you parents for cooperation and support”

      • Dr. Reusche frequently meets with health officials to discuss numbers\covid data chart updated every Sunday director of pupil services is the covid coordinator 

      • Looking into additional funding for more cameras in the classroom 

      • What percent of the curriculum with the kids get through this year

        • Each teacher has a plan for the curriculum which is reassessed every 6 weeks 

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Budget: 

      • $1606.90 up from September, $1423 

        • Deposits: spirit wear $869, taddeo's $375, first day of school earnings $179, 

        • Expenditures: $1385.47 for classroom enhancements (1st, 2, 3rd and word masters)

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Please enroll in Amazon Smile

    • Turn in box tops this week, they get mailed in this month. 

    • Please use the box tops app to scan your receipt. 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Spirit wear and learning express sale happening now! Both end on 11/10/2020. 

    • Telethon: November 13th at 6 pm. Please send an act, picture, poem etc. 

    • Virtual Book Fair: November 20th - December 4th, Mrs. Dabman gets 25% of sales! Orders of $25 or more will have free shipping. 

  • Next Meeting

    • Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:30

    • Next meeting Mr. D and a member of the school equity team will present 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

October 2020 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: October 7th, 2020

  • ChCK Trait: Trustworthiness

    • “Children trust adults and therefore adults trust children.” - Meir Ezra

  • Thanks 

    • Beth Claus, Taddeos, Teachers, Staff

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you for sending students in prepared

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Picture days- 10/26 and 10/29

      • Determining ways to involve HO students in picture day

      • This will be individual pictures with a photoshopped class picture. There will be no class pictures this year.

  • IDC Update 

    • This has not yet started

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Balance $15,969.37, down from august $17,958.83

    • Expenses- $2,291.69: taxes $1,173, fresh schools renewal $600, teacher appreciation $201.85, kindergarten enhancement $126, 1st grade received white boards, chair pockets for 3rd grade, word challenge program for the school

    • Deposits- $303.23: spirit wear and masks sale

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Amazon Smile updates 

      • Received $185 this school year 

      • Can use the regular Amazon app, the Amazon smile app or web browser and select Chestnutwold as the charity

    • Box Tops

      • The platform recently switched for box tops. You now have to scan your receipt for the reward. 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Approval of September’s minutes

      • Approved

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Secret Phoenix: ongoing 

      • Please include all Chestnutwold students, including HO and homeschool students in this fun community building activity

    • Election Day Clothing Drive: November 3rd

      • Drop off donations in front of the dumpster not the loading dock

      • List in a previous blast with details about what you can donate

    • Telethon 

      • Date TBD

      • There will be a live zoom link and donations will be accepted

  • Next Meeting

    • Wednesday November 4th: 7:30-8:00 Mr. D’s remarks and general meeting at 8:00. 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 



September 2020 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: September 9th, 2020

  • ChCK Trait: Empathy

    • “One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.” ― Shannon L. Alder

  • Thanks: Erin Ingraffia, HO Representatives, Teacher Appreciation Committee, New Families Committee 

  • Introduction:

    • PTO overview 

    • Board members

    • Fresh Schools

      • Can find the information to sign up or change the classroom on the website or facebook

      • New family sponsors, please include this in your outreach to new families

      • Used as the school directory 

        • Fresh schools can help you identify kids in your child's class to coordinate classroom parties, play dates, etc. 

      • Used to communicate PTO events and updates 

    • Clearances

      • Needed for volunteering with the school

      • Good for 5 years

      • Information can be found on the Haverford school district website 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you for: sidewalk messages, notes on the door, treats 

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Friday 18th- no school

    • Back to school night 9/21. More to come. 

    • Materials pickup

      • See Mr. D’s emailer for more details

      • May need to do a second round of pickups with more materials 

      • Can bring anything that you wish to return to school to the materials pick up 

    • New family program

      • Thank you to the chairs and volunteers

    • Community building

      • Looking into ways to include haverford online and homeschool children in our community

    • Parental involvement

      • At this time, parents are not allowed in the building 

      • Looking at ways to get parents involved. More to come. 

  • IDC Update 

    • IDC is the IntraDistrict Council, which is made up of school board members and members from each schools' PTO boards.  

    • IDC meets monthly and is a great way to get information relayed between the PTO and the school board.

    • IDC has not yet started this year

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Taxes filed for 2019

    • July and August balance $17,950.83. Down from june $18,772.53

      • Deposits: $2,666.99- $700 returned from field trips, $540.27 from yearbooks and $219.60 from box tops

      • Expenditures: $3,480.69- $1493.72 to yearbooks, $266.93 first grade enhancements, and zoom $158.89

  • Easy Money Announcements

    • Amazon Smile

      • Register Chestnutwold to be beneficiary on Amazon and/or amazon smile app or website

    • Box Tops

      • Can drop off the cut outs to the school (at designated times) or download and use the app. More information can be found on facebook and the website

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Looking for homeroom Parents!

      • Please contact if interested 

      • Plan 4 parties through the year- these will likely be virtual, ie: reading a story, sharing a craft, etc. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Telethon: date TBD

    • Ideas for future events: 

      • Silent auction through fresh schools

      • Virtual quizzo

      • Virtual bag bingo

  • Next Meeting

    • October 7th, likely virtual

    • Mr. D will talk at 7:30pm

    • General meeting will start at 8:00PM

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

January 2019 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: January 8, 2020

  • ChCK Trait- positive attitude

  • Thanks

    • Natalie and Megan- book fair

    • Beth- learning express and Taddeos 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you for book fair, winter holiday, new rug, 4th grade zoo on wheels

    • Celebrate chestnutwold week in June- every student will present something they did on their own this year and are proud of, details to come

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Jan 17th early dismissal, AM kindergarten report, no PM kindergarten, closed on Monday January 20th

    • Service project- students made placemats for meals on wheels

    • Many students earned awards in young writers division and were published 

    • Thinking cap quizball challenge- Chestnutwold students won this year

  • IDC Update 

    • Questions for School Board Members/Food Service? 

  • Why are we using styrofoam trays when we run out of regular trays? 

    • Next IDC meeting January 13th- food services and school board will be in attendance 

    • Last IDC meeting- topic was Haverford education fund

  • Grants available through this organization for parents/PTO/Teachers, applications online 

  • Always looking for people to join board- meet 8 times per year

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Budget $18,250.60 down $500 from November

    • $906 deposits from spirit wear, taddeos ($150), clothing drive

    • Expenditures $1443,96 bag bingo $1064 already for bag bingo

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • $446 earned 

    • Next box top collection February 21st

  • Chairmen Announcements 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • February 21st- Chestnutwold’s bingo, more details to follow

    • Jan 20th- Martin Luther King Day of Service 10AM-12PM, details to follow

    • Spring social will be in March, details to follow

    • Jan 31st- 7-10 Bag bingo

    • Feb 4th- Talking to our kids about race: a no practice zone, all parents and teachers are welcome 

  • Next Meeting

    • April 1st

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

November 2019 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: November 6, 2019

  • ChCK Trait: Empathy: “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” – Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  • Thanks: 

    • Jen Cichowski and Kim Long (Young Writer’s Day)

    • Beth Clauss (Taddeo’s and Clothing Drive)- $100

    • Latanya King, Amanda Phily, and Lauren Moynihan (Trunk or Treat)

    • Lalasa Mohr (Bake Sale)- $500

    Jamie Hawthorn (Town Tap)- $465

  • Teacher’s Remarks: Thank you!

    • American education week: week of November 18th- observe your child’s math or LA class. Details to come. 

  • IDC (inter district council) Update: 

    • Theme was steam learning. Trying to improve steam and stem learning.  Audit of science las year. Engineering and computer science courses are now available. 

    • School board meeting available online to view for February and September. 

    • Math curriculum now in audit phase.  

    • Looking into a new software for lunch accounts. 

    • Facility reservations- IDC to review this further. 

    • Each school to present op 5 issues and bring to Dr. Ruchee whom will discuss this with the principal. 

    • Next meeting- haverford education foundation will be there. They host the twilight run and offer grants for PTO’s, schools, etc. 

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • $20,870.67, about 1000 down 

    • Deposits- $3,863.15: art club, roots and shoots, quizzo, dance a thon

    • Expenditures- $4,394.66: young writers day around $1,000, classroom enhancements around $2000 

  • Easy Money Announcements: 

    • $156 from box tops

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Book Fair: Natalie Silver- needs volunteers to help set up! Theme is blizzard. Every kid will go to book fair during library time. Flyer with more details to come home soon. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Online Spirit Wear Sale: November 1st-17th 

    • Quizzo (an Adult Social): November 8th, 7-10pm (Sold Out)

    • Learning Express Holiday Sale Fundraiser: November 11-15

    • Brain Show (game show): November 27th, 6:30pm- need volunteers to monitor the hallways

    • Scholastic Book Fair “Arctic Adventure”: December 2-6

    • Taddeo’s winter plant sale: December 6-8, mention Chestnutwold at checkout

  • Next Meeting

    • No general meeting in December. If you have any updates or questions for the board, please email us and we will discuss at our exec meeting! 

    • Next meeting January 8, 7:30 pm 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

October 2019 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: October 2, 2019 

  • ChCK Trait: Respect “To be one, to be united, is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” – Bono

  • Thanks: Thank you to Amy Solwecki for Back to School Night at McSorley’s. Big thanks to Amy Mensch, Lalasa Mohr, and Christine Shindler for Phoenix Fun Day and the Dance-a-Thon. 

    • DAT suggestions for next year: end at 7:00 instead of 7:30, permanent bathroom monitor, revamping brochure. 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

  • Thank you for field hockey jerseys 

  • Principal’s Remarks

  • Thank you for PFD

  • Young Author’s day next 10/11

  • Friday 10/18 picture day

  • Mandated lock down/shelter in place in October 

  • Halloween parade 10/31, start 10:45AM

  • Pajama day 11/1

  • 10/14 is spirit day- dress in blue and gold!

  • Guest: Abby Wright, Diaper Dry’ve at HHS 

  • Goal of 8,000 diapers

  • Give to a local diaper bank

  • Box will be in main office for the month of October to collect diapers 

  • Link for donations to be sent out at a later date 

  • IDC Update 

  • First meeting next Monday

  • Presidents of PTO invited to attend and share concerns

  • 2 concerns to be mentioned: 1. facilities reservation process needs to be streamlined 2. lunch accounts 

  • Treasurers’ Report

  • Balance- $21,402.18 

  • Deposits DAT, PFD and spirit wear, $362 from McSlorleys

  • Expenditures $720 field hockey jerseys, pop up tents $909

  • Easy Money Announcements 

  • Amazon smile 

  • Giant rewards card

  • Taddeo’s plant sale- 10% profit to PTO 

  • Election day clothing drive 

  • Box tops- 10/18 is next collection 

  • Bake sale on election day 

  • Chairmen Announcements

  • Art in the classroom volunteers are needed! More details to come in PTO blast

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • (F)allin’ for Chestnutwold: 

  • Young Writer’s Day, Friday, October 11- volunteers still needed, 4th and 5th grade delegates to help

  • Taddeo’s Plant Sale, Friday 10/11-Sunday 10/13

  • Spirit Day, Monday, October 14

  • Town Tap Give Back Night, Monday, October 14th 

    • Box Tops Collection Date: Friday, October 18 

    • Trunk or Treat: Friday, October 25, 6:00-6:30 decorate and 6:30-7:30 trunk or treat, sign up genius will be sent out soon, more details to come 

    • Halloween Parade and Parties: Thursday, October 31, 10:45 parade 

    • Adult Social: Quizzo: Friday, November 8 

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 7:30 pm 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns

September 2019 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: September 11, 2019

  • Welcome and Intro 

  • ChCK Trait: Responsibility: “I believe it's our responsibility to show our communities the value of all people, to celebrate different, and to take a stand for acceptance and inclusion.” Julie Foudy, Olympic Gold Medalist, FIFA Fair Play Award recipient 

  • Thank You to the New Families Welcome Committee, led by Jill Fisher, including Amy Solwecki and Jill McManus, and Fresh Schools Administrator, Beth Clauss. 

  • Teacher’s Remarks

    • Thank you to all

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Back to school night: doors open at 6:20. Schedule: 1st session starts at 6:30 with reporting to homeroom teacher or meeting spot,  7:15 session ends. Mr. D will talk to both sessions from 7:20-7:40. Second session starts at 7:45 with reporting to homeroom teacher or meeting spot,  8:30 session ends. 

    • Officer Flynn coming to do safe tech talk this fall 

  • IDC Update (Interdistrict Council)

    • Meeting with Dr. Ruche and representatives from each school. 

    • Topics: October- PTO president share, November- STEAM, December- education foundation, January- school board budget for music and sports, February- dual enrollment and online, March- facilities, April- BASIS update, May-welcoming and including all

  • Treasurers’ Report

    • Runs on a fiscal year July-June

    • Budget: 13,980.89 

    • Deposits: 21.04

    • Expenditures: 773.84, 600 for Dance-A-Thon dj and square space 

  • Easy Money Announcements 

    • Melissa Trempe

  • Box tops: continue to clip and send them in or use the app to scan receipt (Scan receipt within 14 days). Be sure to connect to Chestnutwold. There will be a water ice party for the class that collects the most at the end of the year. There will be a trophy given after each collection to the winning class. October 18th is the  first collection date. Earned $1,227 last year.

    • Beth Clauss 

  • Giant rewards: register for A plus rewards for Chestnutwold. Earned close to $3,000 last year. 

  • Amazon smile: have to shop through Amazon smile website. Select Chestnutwold as charity. 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Author visit: Anthony John’s  book, “Mascot,” is the winner of the Schneider Family Book Award. This event will occur on October 3rd for 4th and 5th grade.

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Back to School Night at McSorley’s Ale House: Thursday, September 19th, 8:00pm. Giving 20% back to PTO.

    • Phoenix Fun Day and Dance-a-Thon: Friday, September 27th, 4:30-7:30pm. Goal of $40 per kid with a goal of $20,000 for the school. Bake sale during event. Pizza sale- encouraged to order ahead of time. Will be sending out a sign up genius for volunteers. 

    • Young Writers Day: Friday, October 11th. Information to be sent in the PTO blast about how you can sign up to help. 

    • Taddeo’s Plant Sale: Friday, October 11th- Sunday, October 13th. Mention shopping through Chestnutwold. They will give 10% to the school. 

    • Town Tap Give Back Night: Monday, October 14th.  They will give 20% to PTO. Reservations accepted but not required. 

    • Election Day Clothing Drive: Tuesday, November 5th, 9am-3pm. Pick up is scheduled for 3pm.

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 2nd, 7:30pm 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns