Welcome & Gratitude
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Minutes approved
Upcoming PTO Programming
In School Events
Glow Run- 2/19 kick off, email went out today from Leach, will need volunteers for the giveaways
Question- What is the glow run? I don’t get it?
Leach- happens in the gym, during specials, dark in the gym, indoor obstacle course, stuff glows, lights…all week long each class tries to raise money and earn prizes, each morning students get incentives based on donations from the day before, incentives for enrollment, and other things, goal is $10,000 for recess in particular I want to replace the dome with a spider web climber
Question- What if they donate now will they get the daily prize?
Not sure we will ask them
Rachel W- Also a township glow run on the same day lol we may stop advertising that one
Art Show coming end of April- looking for a co lead we have a lead
March 8 assembly, The Brain Show
13 parent run clubs
2 paid clubs
3 clubs continuing from fall
156 students
22 volunteers
Out of School Events
Have a lead for Chase, YAY!
Need a lead for Bag Bingo, people willing to help but we need a lead…if we don’t get a lead Sunday by midnight we will cut this event
Virtual Variety show coming, 2 min video or less, Deadline submission April 1
Parent Prom coming, working on date
March Madness coming
Don’t have the official report done, very little activity this month
Question- how much does it cost for a business to sponsor the chase?
Alex explained our new sponsorship levels and what it will be
Last mtg was on curriculum- sent email with notes
Next mtg will be safety and security
Other Business
PM bussers on half days are confused as to what time their pick up is
Staff list on the website is very out of date, people tried to give gifts during holidays using website and its so out of date,
Concerned about sub shortage- teachers are losing prep time, getting lots of extra kids in their class (because class is split up), have new curriculum so getting kids from other classes is hard because they’re not on the same lesson, they don't know the kids, kids with IEP/504 are not getting needs met, teacher moral is very low because of this, subs are going elsewhere because the pay is so low, Nina spoke from experience she took home $80 a day for subbing which isn’t enough to pay for childcare, parents need to know about this and not just chirp on Facebook go to school board mtg
Leach- all of our buildings are short, we have building subs that are here every day and high school donated some of theirs to us, we usually are allowed to have 2 and now we are allowed to have 3, however across the district we only have 2 building subs for ALL the schools, there is a major teacher shortage, in 2012-2013 there was 16,000 teachers graduating in 2021-2022 only 4,220, position has been posted all year, we’ve interviewed a few, we’ve made offers, we can’t get anyone, college grads can go right to a contracted positions now where as they used to come and sub to get a foot in the door here, I don’t like it but we are told to split kids among classroom, we have no other choice, it's our reality, it’s not a good spot
Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser - deadline to order is tonight, pick up in lobby after school (not sure what day)
Teacher Update
Ms. Naylor
Valentine’s day is coming, 100 days of school, 1000 days of school for 5th, we are feeling how busy Feb is! We feel you! Library just got a new machine that can fix broken books, it’s great! There’s a video that the PTO will share of it. We purchased that from the book fair money. It's called a book toaster. We are reaching out to other elementary schools to send us their broken books to fix them. The specialists love your kids and love having them for 5 years. We are devastated when they graduate and leave us, we love them!
Principal Leach showed us the composting bin! 4th and 5th grade delegates are leading this initiative and come to lunches to help with composting. They showed the little guys how to do it and are super excited, it’s amazing how quickly they caught on to it and are doing it well! For the first time we have 2 lunch/recess monitors! That takes a little off teachers and finally helps us staff the recess and lunch. The 5th grade band will be playing the Eagles fight song on Friday, no school wide pep rally but it will be cute and fun!
Question- why don’t we communicate lice?
Leach- policies have changed, we no longer are supposed to communicate when a child has lice, it's a nuisance but not a public health concern
Librarian for a Day Prize! Ms Naylor picked a name out of a hat and a 5th grader won… then Naylor picked another, First grader!... then Naylor picked another, 4th grader! Really we can do everyone? We love everyone! We love YOU, Ms Naylor!!