February 2025 PTO Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome & Gratitude

  • Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting

    • Minutes approved 

  • Upcoming PTO Programming

    • In School Events

      • Glow Run- 2/19 kick off, email went out today from Leach, will need volunteers for the giveaways

        • Question- What is the glow run? I don’t get it?

          • Leach- happens in the gym, during specials, dark in the gym, indoor obstacle course, stuff glows, lights…all week long each class tries to raise money and earn prizes, each morning students get incentives based on donations from the day before, incentives for enrollment, and other things, goal is $10,000 for recess in particular I want to replace the dome with a spider web climber

        • Question- What if they donate now will they get the daily prize?

          • Not sure we will ask them

        • Rachel W- Also a township glow run on the same day lol we may stop advertising that one

      • Art Show coming end of April- looking for a co lead we have a lead

      • March 8 assembly, The Brain Show

    • Clubs

      • 13 parent run clubs

      • 2 paid clubs

      • 3 clubs continuing from fall

      • 156 students

      • 22 volunteers

    • Out of School Events

      • Have a lead for Chase, YAY!

      • Need a lead for Bag Bingo, people willing to help but we need a lead…if we don’t get a lead Sunday by midnight we will cut this event

      • Virtual Variety show coming, 2 min video or less, Deadline submission April 1

      • Parent Prom coming, working on date

      • March Madness coming

    • Treasurer

      • Don’t have the official report done, very little activity this month

      • Question- how much does it cost for a business to sponsor the chase?

        • Alex explained our new sponsorship levels and what it will be

    • IDC

      • Last mtg was on curriculum- sent email with notes

      • Next mtg will be safety and security

    • Other Business

      • PM bussers on half days are confused as to what time their pick up is

      • Staff list on the website is very out of date, people tried to give gifts during holidays using website and its so out of date, 

      • Concerned about sub shortage- teachers are losing prep time, getting lots of extra kids in their class (because class is split up), have new curriculum so getting kids from other classes is hard because they’re not on the same lesson, they don't know the kids, kids with IEP/504 are not getting needs met, teacher moral is very low because of this, subs are going elsewhere because the pay is so low, Nina spoke from experience she took home $80 a day for subbing which isn’t enough to pay for childcare, parents need to know about this and not just chirp on Facebook go to school board mtg

        • Leach- all of our buildings are short, we have building subs that are here every day and high school donated some of theirs to us, we usually are allowed to have 2 and now we are allowed to have 3, however across the district we only have 2 building subs for ALL the schools, there is a major teacher shortage, in 2012-2013 there was 16,000 teachers graduating in 2021-2022 only 4,220, position has been posted all year, we’ve interviewed a few, we’ve made offers, we can’t get anyone, college grads can go right to a contracted positions now where as they used to come and sub to get a foot in the door here, I don’t like it but we are told to split kids among classroom, we have no other choice, it's our reality, it’s not a good spot

      • Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser - deadline to  order is tonight, pick up in lobby after school (not sure what day)

    • Teacher Update

      •  Ms. Naylor

        • Valentine’s day is coming, 100 days of school, 1000 days of school for 5th, we are feeling how busy Feb is! We feel you! Library just got a new machine that can fix broken books, it’s great! There’s a video that the PTO will share of it.  We purchased that from the book fair money. It's called a book toaster. We are reaching out to other elementary schools to send us their broken books to fix them. The specialists love your kids and love having them for 5 years. We are devastated when they graduate and leave us, we love them!

    • Principal Leach showed us the composting bin! 4th and 5th grade delegates are leading this initiative and come to lunches to help with composting. They showed the little guys how to do it and are super excited, it’s amazing how quickly they caught on to it and are doing it well! For the first time we have 2 lunch/recess monitors! That takes a little off teachers and finally helps us staff the recess and lunch.  The 5th grade band will be playing the Eagles fight song on Friday, no school wide pep rally but it will be cute and fun!

    • Question- why don’t we communicate lice?

      • Leach- policies have changed, we no longer are supposed to communicate when a child has lice, it's a nuisance but not a public health concern

    • Librarian for a Day Prize! Ms Naylor picked a name out of a hat and a 5th grader won… then Naylor picked another, First grader!... then Naylor picked another, 4th grader!  Really we can do everyone? We love everyone! We love YOU, Ms Naylor!!

January 2025 PTO Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome & Gratitude

  • Thank you for coming out in the cold!

  • Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting

    • 3 attendees

    • Minutes approved 

  • Upcoming PTO Programming

    • Jan 19th MLK day of service- on the sunday 12:30 -3:30 - info in blast

    • Choose Booster - Feb 24th-28th, during the school day

      • Fundraising Event that culminates in a “glow run” in the gym. 

      • Fills in fundraising gaps in our budget, our goal is 10K

      • Testing the concept this year to see if it works

      • May need a few parent volunteers to go through packaging/prizes

      • Lots of questions, more information needs to be communicated

      • Virtual Variety Show

      • March Madness

    • We need volunteers for… 

      • Chestnutwold Chase- leads and volunteers

        • Lots of notes on this 

      • Bag Bingo- lead

        • Lots of notes on this - should be easy to follow

  • Treasurers’ Monthly Report

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • Ms Lucas

      • Thank you for 10 days of giving! Grateful parent volunteers at class parties

      • Preparing for field trips, the PTO has budgeted the same money available for the trips.

    • Mr Una

      • Mr Kershaw

        • Assembly for Lacrosse Wings 

      • Partnering with Mother Compost in the cafeteria

      • Completing the middle of the year tests

        • Maps and Ames testing

  • Intra-District Council Update

    • HS guidance - 7 guidance counselors (separate from mental health counselors) These counselors help your students schedule their classes through all four years. 

    • Next time- Discussing Curriculum - send chestnutwoldidc@ 

  • Call for Volunteers 

  • Upcoming Event Reminders: MLK Day of Service (1/19) 

November 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

November 6th, 2024

  • Welcome & Gratitude

    • Thank you for participating in trunk or treat 

    • Clothing drive and bake sale made almost

  • Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting

    • 9  attendees, 

  • Upcoming PTO Programming

    • Quizzo, three tables left. 

    • Dec 8th winter market

    • Book fair- dates

    • Nov 19th young writers day, email by friday if you want to volunteer 

  • Treasurers’ Monthly Report

    • 15k in bank, wait for report from nicolas

    • 16 vendors so far for holiday market

    • 2600 for classroom enhancements

    • Bloombox

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • We have so many things happening until christmas

      • Veterans day this friday the 8th

      • Young writers day

      • American education week- look for email from teachers

      • Conferences, look for email from teachers

      • Book fair

    • Teachers had a wonderful pd day via zoom wit and wisdom and math

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • Cst team - they meet on a weekly basis

      • Thank yous - thank you for classroom enhancements

        • Naylor- thank you for bulletin boards

        • Pomerantz - thank you for reimbursements 

        • Walsh - thank you for chairs

      • Thank you for halloween parties

    • Kunsa - gifted talked about the CST roles and moving to push in for 1-2 pull out for 3-5

    • Neri- reading specialist, reg ed support for ALL grades this year

    • Mike Reynolds is the interventionist working with all grades thus 

    • Kristinine Titi- learning support teachers, wilson reading program third tear intervention

    • Emotional support teacher- Ms Danunzio, maternity leave - Ms Abbot sub

    • Speech therapist, OT therapist

    • School Psychologist

    • Counselors  

    • Asked Principal Leach for structure

  • Intra-District Council Update

    • Themes for the year

      • Nov- Transportation

      • Dec - High School Guidance

      • Jan - Curriculum

      • February - Board Members 

      • March - Safety

      • April - Food Services

    • Two surveys 

    • Social and emotional learning through hs

    • Survey superintendent search 

      • Focus groups 

  • Upcoming Event Reminders: Quizzo (11/22), Book Fair (12/2-12/6), Holiday Market (12/8)

October 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Welcome & Gratitude

  • Thank you for a momentous beginning of the year, good turnout at first meeting - this trickles down to clubs, involvements

  • $12,000 revenue, $2600 for clubs assemblies, classroom enhancements, field trips ect

  • Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting - Minutes approved 10 members present

  • Upcoming PTO Programming

    • Jasmine

      • Trunk or Treat, Date

      • Sign Up is up and running- spaces need to be filled

    • Casey

      • 190 students, 16 clubs

      • Clubs going well, a few logistical hiccups have been ironed out 

    • Lauren

      • Cole the deaf dog

      • Election day bake sale, clothing drive

      • Young writers day nov 15th, sign up genius to go out next week for volunteers

  • Treasurers’ Monthly Report

Principal’s Remarks

  • Cole was fantastic! Everyone had a chance to pet the dog, amazingly!! It was engaging and a strong message. 

  • WIN is up and running and kids are switching classes smoothly

  • PSSM survey going out soon, looking at the student’s sense of belonging. Peer to peer could use some work which is why we do this.

  • Halloween Parade explanation will be in this week’s Smore 

  • November 1st PJ day

  • Quizzo - Nov 22

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • Bieiter & Tallon

      • Cole the Deaf Dog was a great experience from teachers! 

      • Classroom enhancements excited about

      • Lets chat about the math curriculum…

        • How did you come up with this answer, encourage your student to explain their  math thinking. A little different!

        • Parent tip sheets right in the homework books 

  • Intra-District Council Update

    • The email went out to ask for questions and responses, mainly tech 

    • Monday evening meeting. Blast one last time. 

See you at Trunk-or-Treat on 10/25 at 6:30 PM & the Clothing Drive + Bake Sale on 11/5!

September 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Welcome & Introduction to Chestnutwold PTO

  • The Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization is dedicated to enhancing and enriching the school experience for kids attending Chestnutwold Elementary. We fund school clubs, support out-of-the-box ideas from Chestnutwold's amazing teachers, and host seriously awesome fundraisers. We act as a liaison between Chestnutwold Parents; the school district of Haverford Township - its administration, teachers, & staff; and the Intra-District council of Parent Teacher Organizations. The PTO organizes many family and community events and has an active fundraising arm to cover additional curriculum materials, art and science programs, teaching supplies, classroom technology enhancements, etc. The Chestnutwold PTO is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.  All are welcome.

  • Overview of SY24-25: Clubs, In-School Activities, Events

    • Casey-

      • 14 Unpaid clubs as well as 2 paid clubs are set to go 

      • Paid clubs: Spanish, Wolf and Chess in the works - we have minimums we have to hit for the clubs to run

      • Unpaid parent volunteer clubs are in good shape- the more clubs offered, more kids get in. 

        • Lego, Art, Chatter, Newbury, Chinese, Kickball, Yearbook and Roots and Shoots

    • Lauren - 

      • Upcoming assemblies

        • Cole the Deaf Dog Oct 1st

      • Young Writers Day is coming up and we are currently taking volunteers

      • Art in the Classroom is beginning and taking volunteers

      • The Book Fair will be in the beginning of December, stay tuned for how to help get involved

      • MLK day activities will be coming in the new year

      • Boxtop Fundraiser

        • Meredith

          • The program is all digital, managed by a downloadable app 

          • New goal of something for the kids to incentivize this program 

    • Jasmine

      • Managing social and fundraising events out of school

      • Please dont be intimidated to take the lead on these events- Jasmine is here to support!!

      • Phoenix Fun Day update

        • Grace talked a bit about PFD, Friday sept 27, 4:30-7:30

        • Call for volunteers- hour of volunteer time, bake sale, candy sale

  • Recording Secretary - Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting - motion passes.

    • Please check our website/social media/freshschools for updates

  • Treasurers’ Monthly Report + Vote on 2024-25 Budget

Budget for the year- please see the posted 2024-25 budget

  • Motion to approve the budget for 2024-25

    •  37-yes , 0 -no - Motion Passes and the budget is approved

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Snapshot of the first 3 weeks of school

    • Finishing first assessments, data meetings next week, “What I Need” time (MTSS) WIN time to be figured out next week… starting to switch on the 30th

    • Wit and Wisdom content starting this week

    • Along with Art in the Classroom, parents also can volunteer when your child is in the music and art rooms - to aid the teachers

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • The PTO welcomes kindergarten teachers Lindsey Mirigliani and Molly Macias

      • Thanks for the coffee and treats after back to school- greatly appreciated!

      • For parents of kindergarteners- We have been learning to identify letters t,b,&f though foundations and geodes. We  identify those letters and talk about what they are seeing as well as sounds

        • Sight word songs - help them be sight word detectives

        • On math they are working on comparing/contrasting. 

        • Counting 1-3, up to 5 next week

  • Intra-District Council

    • Rachel walker, Liz and Tori 

      • A district wide program that gets together every month with the superintendent to talk about various topics, generated from the community. Reach out to the reps if you have any feedback and be on the lookout for emails from the team.

  • Volunteer Fair

See you at Phoenix Fun Day on Friday, September 27th, 4:30-7:30 PM!

Next General PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm in the Chestnutwold Cafeteria- All are welcome!  

May 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday May 1st, 2024

  • Recording Secretary - Call for vote on minutes, minutes approved 

  • Principal’s Remarks- 

    • PSSA’s are done except for 4th grade 

    • Dodgeball tournament today, A fun and nice way to end the PSSA’s

    • Assemblies coming up

    • 5th Grade “Annie” coming up

    • There is a lot on the schedule, check the weekly SMORE

  • PTO Executive Board Elections 

    • We will now hold elections for the open roles on Chestnutwold’s PTO Executive Board. The positions that are open at the end of this school year are Co-President, Co-Treasurer, VP of In-School Events, VP of Out-of-School Activities, and VP of After-School Clubs. 

      • Co-President

        • Candidate: Alex Reed

          • I hope to serve as Co-President for the Chestnutwold PTO Board in the 2024/2025 school year. I currently have a child in third grade and one in kindergarten. I have a previous career in marketing, advertising and branding. I took time off to be home full-time with the kids, and have recently returned to part-time work serving various roles in Aquatics. In the past, I have chaired Phoenix Fun Day and Run Club, as well as been a homeroom helper and a regular volunteer for PTO events. I love the Chestnutwold community, and all that we are able to offer - I look forward to contributing to and continuing the great work of the PTO.

        • 12 votes- all in favor, none opposed.  Motion to elect Alex Reed as Co-President passes. 

      • Co-Treasurer

        • Candidate: Nicolas Biren

          • Originally from France, my wife Ursula and I moved to the US some 17 years ago and landed in Ardmore in the summer of 2022. I spent all my professional life in investment banking. We have a son in 7th grade at HMS and another in 1st grade at Chestnutwold. The kids, parents, and educators we met here are the #1 reason we’ve decided to stay for good. We simply love this school and the community around it and I’m hoping to help it grow with whatever ability I have…my passion for MS Excel might be it!

        • 12 votes- all in favor, none opposed.  Motion to elect Nicolas Biren as Co-Treasurer passes. 

      • VP, In-School Events

        • Candidate: Lauren Farber

          • Lauren Farber Weintraub and her family are recent transplants from Brooklyn. Her son, Garrett, is in the third grade. He is not shy at admitting that he likes PA better than NY, and even the Phillies better than the Yankees! Thanks to the opportunities provided by Chesnutwold and the PTA, we already feel part of this incredible community. Garrett has thrived academically and socially during this year. My husband and I have found fellow parents to be friendly and welcoming. With a full time job in Philadelphia, it is challenging to attend every school event. However, by serving on the executive board, I look forward to participating behind the scene! Thank you for your consideration.

        • 12 votes- all in favor, none opposed.  Motion to elect Lauren Farber Weintraub as VP, In-School Events passes. 

      • VP, Out-of-School Activities

        • Candidate: Jasmine Mazzola

          • I have 2 children attending Chestnutwold, Preston in 3rd grade and Paige in 1st.  I love being a part of my children's school lives by supporting as a Homeroom Helper or by participating on a committee like Trunk or Treat and Bag Bingo. My kids love the school and I want to help make their school a great experience both during the day and after school hours. I currently supervise special education compliance and interventions for a charter school in Philadelphia. I am excited to join the Chestnutwold PTO.

        • 12 votes- all in favor, none opposed.  Motion to elect Jasmine Mazzola as VP, Out-of-School Activities passes. 

      • VP, After-School Clubs

        • Candidate: Casey Sacchetti

          • This is my third year on the PTO executive board, previously I served two years as Treasurer. I have 3 children - Kennedy is in third grade and twins, Cameron and Carter, are in kindergarten. Prior to staying home with my children, I taught and was a reading specialist at the elementary level. I love being a part of the Chestnutwold community and am excited to continue to support our amazing school!

      • 12 votes- all in favor, none opposed.  Motion to elect Casey Sacchetti as VP, After-School Clubs passes. 

    • Welcome New Board Members!!

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • 4th grade team 

      • Thank you for help with the ifly field trip!

      • Ms Caroll extends her thanks for the card.

    • Events coming up- field day is May 16th, May want to check with Mr. Kershaw concerning field day refreshments 

    • Evening of the Arts- Mark calenders for Wednesday May 29th 6-pm for music art and community spirit. The event will be showcasing students' talents in both performance and arts. Stroll through the art show and marvel at the creativity and skill of our students and look for details on performing students to be sent home this week . Please contact Mrs. Esposto and Ms Kasmir with questions.

  • IDC Update

    • Transportation was the topic

    • Takeaway- positive reports on buses. 

  • Treasurers’ Report - April

  • VP of After-School Activities

    • Parent Prom Social is coming up this Friday May 3rd

    • Chestnutwold Chase is coming up- Sunday May 19th.  See signup genius for race day volunteer needs 

  • VP of In-School Activities

    • 16th & 17th parent volunteers will be hanging art for the Evening of the Arts

    • Thanks to Jill Robostello for Artist in Residence day. More information on Zentangle is in the library 

    • “Dream Big” paleontology assembly tomorrow. 

  • Jennifer Munch - Parent Seminar: Recognizing and Supporting Anxiety in Children

April 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024

Mr Huran - Middle School Principal Visit

  • A little about myself: I’ve been at the middle school for 12 years, the district for 15. Prior to Haverford school district, I was in Upper Darby. When I made the switch professionally, I moved my family to the district as well and now my children attend Haverford schools. Our schools are in a really great place considering the past few years. From a parent perspective, I know the experience of having kids in these  schools. Academically, socially,  athletically &  artistically. I am here to personally dispel myths about middle school and answer any questions you may have. .

  • Questions from attendees: 

    • Understand district position Cell phone usage policy? 

      • The district has no policy that students can or can't have cell phones, it's more  about network and devices. Procedures in middle school - almost all kids have cell phones and the expectations are talked about once a week. Cell phones & ear buds must be in the locker at all times once school starts. Fridays are “byod-bring your own device” days in the cafeteria. Kids are allowed to bring their own devices at lunch, no pics, no videos, no calls, yes to games & music. If the staff sees a cell phone one time it is taken and given back with discussion. The second time it happens the family has to come pick it up. If it continues to happen there are further consequences. Families often push back that this is how they communicate with their child. Before “BYOD" was implemented students hid devices a lot more. With 1600 kids, barely 10 phones are confiscated a week. The bigger problem is social media and kids using their cell phones inappropriately. 

      • Education around internet safety? It is presented in the 6th,7 & 8th grade health classes - especially 6th & 7th grades. Safety policies are strict - police, suspension, taken very seriously. 

      • We find kids are honoring the expectations 

    • Protection on chromebooks and level of access?

      • Chromebooks and the network in our district: Post covid we like to have as little done on the chromebook as possible while in school. Outside of school it's easier for students to submit work via chromebook.

      • The network is constantly being monitored but a high degree of monitoring tends to be off putting, not supportive & “ big brother-ish.” Families sign an agreement and policies are followed. We have found very little misuse of chromebooks and when incidents do incur- the chromebook and network are removed, policies are strict. Students are given paper & pencil. Example: A student is searching online about weapons and sends a picture to someone else. A line has been crossed. Something like this has  happened only  2 or 3 times in 12 years.  

    • 6th grade- a little over 500 students. Kids are put onto one of 4 identical teams. On each teaching team there are  5 teachers - Math, science & Social studies. Unified arts teachers mix kids of the entire grade. The difference between level one and level 2 students is writing. All follow the same curriculum. For math there are  a few more levels. Higher levels have  larger class sizes, lower levels have lower sizes and co-teachers. Science and social studies are not leveled.

    • Languages?- 6th grade has an  introductory  mix of spanish, latin

    • Parental involvement? “At some point in 6th grade your kids are gonna be like- stay away!” 6th grade can be tough for parents but kids have a planner. Every day teachers are available 47 minutes to work with kids or parents. Come to the PTO meetings for involvement. Not as much opportunity for parent involvement as there is in  elementary schools.  Kids encouraged to advocate for themselves- taught independence.

    • Placement? By the end of the school year  the middle school gets lots of data qualitative and quantitative data and makes a recommendation to put kids in different levels. Recommendations are made that allow for parent input. Kids are reevaluated and can move every marking period. 

    • To contact me- please feel free to email or  call with questions. I strive to be super accessible. We will start sending more info to parents as the end of the year comes. 

  • Recording Secretary - Call for Approval of Minutes - March 2024 Minutes Approved

  • Haverford Education Foundation - We provide 1500 grants for innovative projects, student teacher parent community driven. This organization provides these grants through fundraising. The big fundraising event: Twilight fun run 5k, 1k elementary challenge is on April 27th. A Friendly competition between elementary schools to increase participation is being held for a Rita’s water ice party. Sponsorships are available as well with a deadline of  this friday. The Chestnutwold PTO was a sponsor last year. Confirmed that the PTO will sponsor again.  Sign up online to register. 

  • Principal’s Remarks - Vote to change PTO bylaws

    • Motion #1 - split the current VP of After-School Activities to two positions: VP of After-School Clubs and VP of Out-of-School Events - yay- 19, opposed: 0 opposed… motion passes

    • Motion #2 - move the VP positions and the Secretary position from a one-year term to a two-year term

    •  Yay-8, opp, opp 10… motion does not pass

  • Teachers’ Update

    • Katie Gretchen 

    • Kristia Magdy 

    • Thank you for the field trip donations!- This helps make the field trips attainable for us. 

  • IDC Update

    • Tech - the major update is they are taking away youtube for elementary and questions were posed about what they are blocking and how. Parents are concerned. A lot of tech is integrated in the curriculum so it is difficult to switch. 

    • Keeping tech in school? This came up for kinder and 1st and 2nd. - teachers were told not to use tech during indoor recess. 

    • Tech audit coming soon - fill it out!!Look for it in  the district blast. 

    • Next meeting on transportation. 

  • Treasurers’ Report - March

  • Principal’s Remarks & Community Discussion - Restrengthening Family Involvement

    • Conferences

    • Benergy got rave reviews

    • Author visit next week

    • Artist in residence

    • PSSA’s begin the 24th of April  

  • Chairperson Announcements

    • VP of After-School Activities

      • Variety Show, 7pm -honeygrow fundraiser 

      • Run Clubs - start next week, extra help would be great

      • Parent Prom - May 4th

      • Chestnutwold Chase - May 19th

    • VP of In-School Activities

      • Assemblies: Benergy, Paleontology assembly is on Thursday, May 2nd, and Cole the Deaf Dog in October

      • Artist in Residence Day, Friday, April 19th-Jill Robostello, “doodling and art as a fidget”

      • Evening of the Arts, Wednesday, May 29th-dedicated sign up forthcoming, could use many hands to hang artwork on the 16th and 17th of May, will send out a sign up genius in the beginning of May via the art teacher.

    • Principal survey- 

      • How do we bring the “community feel” back to Chestnutwold!

        • Family Engagement at Chestnutwold: 73 responses to the survey

        • Please see attached slides from Principal Leach’s presentation- LINK TO PRESENTATION

        • What does that tell us? 

          • In school events

            • Convo with Teachers? - How do we find those opportunities, what does that look like to you?

          • Outside of school events

            • We have lots and people are satisfied! 

          • Barriers and suggestions

          • Next steps

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 1st at 7:30 PM- Jennifer Munch will present a parent seminar on Childhood Anxiety.

March 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday March 6th, 2024

Call for Approval of Minutes - February 2024  Minutes Approved

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • The school-wide basketball shootout was  amazing. The students had a competition in each PE class, then winners from classes competed for winners by grade, then winners by grade competed for overall school.

    • Bingo night was wonderful and a well oiled machine thanks to the teachers and staff that put it together.

    • The faculty is meeting tomorrow - The Equity team will be aligning with district goals surrounding cultural humility. Looking to open eyes to all backgrounds of students while looking internally to identify privilege in society and Chestnutwold.

    • STEM day coming up on May 24th - the whole school will do a STEM activity per grade. Looking for STEM parent career volunteers.

    • Working with the executive board to send out surveys and re-engage the school community - Look for it in your inbox within the next few days.

    • Conferences coming up

  • Teachers Remarks

    • Ms Carroll and Ms Martin

    • Lots of thank yous for classroom enhancements

      • Whisper Phones, classroom books, ect

    • May 31 Franklin Institute field trip for 2nd Grade

    • Bingo committee thanks the PTO for prizes, raised over 3K prizes!

  • IDC Update

    • No updates

  • President Update

    • Proposing a change to our Bylaws 

      • How vice president roles are separated- we are proposing splitting how the After school roles are structured. VP of After School Activities, VP After School Club.

      • motion to split the current VP of After-School Activities to two positions: VP of After-School Clubs and VP of Out-of-School Events

      • motion to move the VP positions and the Secretary position from a one-year term to a two-year term

      • Tabling voting on these motions until the April Meeting.

  • Treasurer’s Report

Chairman Announcements

  • VP of After School Activities

    • March Madness has begun - games begin 3/19

    • Virtual talent show ⅘ we have volunteer to put it together now.- video content timeline 3/30, paired with Honeygrow last year. 

    • Chestnutwold Chase 5/19

    • Parent Prom?

      • Nina Wickersham updated us on some ideas they are discussing- TBC April? May?

    • Spring Clubs kicked off on Monday, room in Italian club and older Yoga 

    • Need Run Club Leads, note in SMORE from track in 

  • VP of In School Activities

    • Benergy assembly on 3/21- Mute until 6, public speaker on the spectrum. Autism Awareness Event. Celebrating Neurodiversity around that time.

    • April 19th Artist in Residence

    • May 29th, Evening of the Arts

  • Next Meeting is April 3rd- Middle School Principal Dan will be present, Community diner to discuss family reengagement. 

  • Questions/Comments

February 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday February 7th, 2024

ChCK Trait- Empathy

“The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.

Call for Approval of Minutes - January 2023 Minutes Approved

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Thank the pto for mlk event and we got shoutouts from district

    • Great kindness challenge went well

    • Ms Kunsa and Ms Leach counted coins that added up to approximately a 6K donation for the  week

    • The basketball shootout competition will be held in each grade’s  PE classes, followed by the school wide school competition. 

    • The 5th grade dance was wonderful. The students  took ownership and the parents of the students did supported them with a lot of work. Looking to make this  an annual event. 

    • In the spreading kindness/sunshine initiative staff will pick a name from every grade every 2 weeks to win special recognition for their kindness with a Chestnutwold  car magnet. 

    • Welcome back Ms Kasmer! 

    • Culturally responsive classroom work

    • 100th day! 

    • Valentines Day and Teacher sponsored Family Bingo Night 

  • Haverford School District Board Member Visit

    • Board members present:

      • Dr. Kristin Larsen

        • On the board for 7 years 

      • Bridgette Wiedeman 

        • Board president, on the board  for 6 years

    • We are the governing body for the Haverford School District. We are 9 elected members for 4 year terms. 

    • We make collective decisions and hold public board meetings to vote on contracts, new hires, curriculum, ect. Various committees focus further to increase transparency and increase efficiency. 

    • We establish, equip and operate the Haverford School District  schools with a 148 million budget this year. The HSD is one of the largest employers in the county. We make investments in facilities, staff and curriculum to maintain quality while maintaining fiscal responsibility. 80% of the  budget comes from real estate taxes, less than 2% comes from the federal government. 

    • You can review all of the HSD board policies on the website. https://go.boarddocs.com/pa/have/Board.nsf/Public

    • We set strategic goals,identify  opportunities for updating them and include the public. We have been planning goals thorough 2025 and we seek community input.

    • Facility and capital improvement plans:

      • Lynnewood and High school improvements

      • Chatham park and Coopertown hvac systems 

      • Cleaner propane busses 

      • Raised 65 million for these investments with fiscal responsibility 

      • Expand Chatham and Coopertown

      •  Expand Middle School cafeteria

      • Goal for board Increase transparency 

    • Haverford High School  is ranked 18 out of 500 high schools in the state- this is huge. Haverford High School is in the top 5% of the country’s high schools. 

    • Q&A

      • Q: Aftercare after Elwyn’s departure? A: Can't guarantee when but replacement aftercare is in the works immediately, hopefully within the next month. 

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • 5th grade

      • Jennifer Migliaccio, Kerri Ryan

    • Thanks for the classroom enhancements!

    • Counselors - Share great kindness challenge and St Judes

      • 2nd grade - Kind minds, 5th grade - coping strategies and mental health awareness

      • Thanks for after school clubs, engagement is awesome!

  • IDC Update

    • Discussed Chestnutwold space - has enrollment peaked? Transportation, how early it comes and how it goes to all private schools.

    •  The March meeting is about tech use in schools.

  • President’s Update

    • Thank you for MLK day parent volunteers, it was well planned,  ran smoothly and was enriching for the kids

    • Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser is going well,  vouchers sent home with kids Monday.

    • The next PTO meeting and parent info session will be on March 6th. The program will focus on anti bullying by “Box Out Bullying.”  Training parents, educators what to do if witnessing and/ or experiencing bullying. The program will also touch on Cyberbullying.

  • Treasurer’s Report - January

  • Chairperson Announcements

    • VP of After-School Activities

      • Bag Bingo 2/23

      • March Madness - coming soon

      • Virtual Talent Show 4/5, in need of Leads!

      • Spring Clubs - coming early March, a dedicated blast for sign ups going out soon. 

        • Chase date set, committee going strong. 

        •  Q: Should there be leader guidelines? A: We will review

    • VP of In-School Activities

      • March Assembly

      • May Assembly

      • Cole the deaf dog, disability assembly for Fall assembly 

      • Paws - trying to get them here, high demand.

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 6, 7:30 PM

January 2024 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday January 10th, 2024


Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones. 

- John Lennon

Call for Approval of Minutes - November 2023 Minutes Approved

  • Principal’s Remarks

    • Book fair was incredible, a wonderful event, Thank you to parent volunteers

    • Chop PJ Day exceeded the goal!

    • Chorus carolers and holiday sing along was a big hit before winter break

    • Annie rehearsals in full swing

    • Mid year assessments to give data on growth and regrouping going well 

    • Great kindness challenge coming up

    • Shootout competition in PE class and dodgeball tournament coming up

    • Counting coins for St. Jude coming up

    • Delegates each have 3 priorities, 

      • 3-5 gaga pit

      • K-2 more food choices

      • 3-5 flexibility at lunch, seating ect

  • Teachers Remarks

    • Lindsey Mirigliani & Mary Kate Abbot

      • Thanks for help with winter parties 

      • Thanks for the generous holiday gifts

      • March 1, 8th will be family bingo night 

      • Ms Kasmir is coming back January 29th and needs volunteers for art show

  • IDC Update

    • No updates 

  • President Update

    • Thank you to all the amazing volunteers that helped put together Holiday market and to the volunteers who took up Holiday collections for teacher and staff gifts.

    • Fundraising - We do not collect dues, which is not typical of most PTO organizations so we rely on our various fundraising events throughout the year

      • Look for a “Nothing Bundt Cakes” fund raising event next

  • Treasurer’s Report

Chairman Announcements

  • VP of After School Activities

    • Upcoming Events

      • Bag Bingo 2/23 

      • March Madness 

      • Virtual Talent Show

    • Spring clubs need to kick off soon! We would love to offer more opportunities this spring so please consider volunteering!

    • The Chestnutwold PTO was approached by two organizations that can offer after school programs at the school for a fee of approximately $18-20 per session. We are considering partnership but will be gathering information and exploring interest first. Facilities to be considered. 

      • Wolf Center - Robust programming in performance arts. 

      • Spanish Exploradores Spanish Club- The curriculum is based on children having fun while learning Spanish, so our interactive language classes are designed to keep students engaged with games, music, and crafts.

  • VP of In School Activities

    • MLK Day of Service, 10:30-12 in Chestnutwold Cafeteria

    • Two assemblies booked!

      • for March 21 Benergy - Autism awareness assembly 

      • May 2nd - Paleontology assembly

    • Volunteer Fair! We have lots of In-school opportunities to choose from!

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 7th 

  • Questions/Comments

November 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: Wednesday November 1st, 2023

ChCK Trait- Respect

“When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us.” Arapaho Proverb

Call for Approval of Minutes - October 2023 Minutes Approved

  • Principal’s Remarks

Oakmont fire company

Basketball Jones assembly 

Halloween parade

Pj day

Coming up-

Inservice day coming up next week with PD time

Books and bagels for 5th graders

Veterans Day assembly

American ed week


Book fair 

Pj day for CHOP $ 

Teachers happy for classroom enhancements

  • Teachers’ Remarks

    • Jen Stawley

    • Kelly Lucas

    • Thank you for the  enhancements! They loved flexible seating!

      • Spiritwear sale - today!

      • YWD schedule - yes coming

      • Loved bb jones

  • IDC Update

    • Pto presidents from each school came and had some general ?’s 

      • What can the PTO as far as advertise the PTO in schools

        • Sending Dr Rusch info on our budgets, other info

        • Ashley is also talking to other Principals with Rusch. 

        • There is a policy - nuances are being worked out

  • President Update

  • Treasurer’s Report

    • PTO Treasurer Report - October 2023 

    • Classroom Enhancements- Spent $5,000, so many awesome things for 22 classrooms!  Flexible seating options, drums, Guided Reading materials, rugs, birthday items, bookshelves, Multicultural and SEL read alouds, library materials, reading challenge materials and much more!

  • Chairman Announcements

    • VP of After School Activities

      • Trunk or treat went great- 3 gift cards went out, candy donated in advance was KEY- 

      • Clubs kicked off this week- Sign up was robust- but if a student wasn't able to get in this time, prioritized next time

        • Lead letters going out momentarily or have gone out

      • Still could use parent volunteers fpr a session or two

      • D&D club in the spring and volunteer fair in january

      • Holiday market 30 vendors have signed up

    • VP of In School Activities

      • Assembly recap.  Bb jones bringing it back in the spring

      • Working on scheduling next assembly for MARCH - Ben, Autism Assembly - spoken at coopertown  inspiring local, BE Energy is his website

      • YWD-Friday November 17th-please email if interested in volunteering-you get lunch! Need a few more.

      • Election Day bake sale-please sign up to donate or to staff a shift (8-5), clothing drive drop off - teachers can bring early and drop off in vestibule per MS Leach

      • Book Fair week of November 27th-sign-up genius to come takedown friday dec 1st tuesday thurs evenings 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Spiritwear sale 1-7th

    • Winter BloomBox Fundraiser Nov 1-15

    • Election Day Bake Sale and Clothing Drive November 7th

    • Learning Express Nov 13-17th

    • Quizzo Nov 17th

    • Young Writer’s Day Nov 17th

    • Book Fair-November 27th-December 1st

    • Holiday Market Dec 2nd

  • Next Meeting January 10th- with guest speaker, Johanna Kulp!

  • Questions/Comments



October 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: October 4th, 2023

October ChCK Trait- Responsibility

“When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us.”

Arapaho Proverb

Call for Approval of Minutes - September 2023 Minutes Approved

Huge thank you to Alex Reed, Jamie Hawthorne, and all the volunteers that made Phoenix Fun Day a huge success!

Principal’s Remarks

  • Excited about the success of “Go Gold Day”

    • We counted 629 “acts of kindness” papers deposited in the tub 

    • The small fundraiser for teachers to wear jeans raised $60 for CHOP

    • Plans to build on this success in the future

Teachers’ Remarks

IDC Update- October 23rd 

Representatives from every school meet with Dr Reusche once a month, PTO presidents invited in October. This is Good way to get the superintendent’s ear. 

President’s Update

  • Armen Chevrolet to presented a check tonight for a $1000 donation, took a photo with the PTO board

  • We received the survey results (116 responses!) of topics for future meeting speakers and will be planning for upcoming meetings! 

    • Survey results-

      • Bullying/Online Safety, Developing a Healthy Body Image with our Children, Helping our Children through Anxiety 

      • plans in motion to reach out to speakers for availability 

  • We are also planning an upcoming adult social, stay tuned for more details! 

Treasurer’s Report

PTO Treasurer Report - September 2023

  • Bank balance on 9/30/2023 ended at $17,990.10 up from July’s ending balance of $11,354.81

  • Deposits totaled $8,390.00. This was mostly due to:

    • $8,315 Phoenix Fun Day

  • Expenditures totaled $1,754.71. This was mostly due to:

    • $600 Fresh Schools

    • $525 PFD Expenses

    • $229.17 Teacher Appreciation - Coffee

  • Classroom Enhancements started- window Oct 1st-15th, Casey has begun to get lots of emails

Chairman Announcements

  • VP of After School Activities

    • Clubs update- What's ready to start soon… Chatter isn't ready but Lego, Yoga, Roots & Shoots, Newbery, Yearbook and Art are ready. Youth volunteer (High School students) club to be pooled

    • Trunk or Treat is coming together- stay tuned for further details. The plan is to encourage families who attend without decorating a car to bring a bag of candy to donate.

  • VP of In School Activities

    • Basketball Jones assembly is the morning of October 19th

    • Sign-up Genius links are in development as we will need volunteers for certain events and programs coming up

    • SoFunCity is an assembly in consideration for  winter/spring - It seems really cool but we will need to work it in the budget as its very expensive.

    • Young Writers Day November 17th- waiting on a mini grant to help pay for this event- The event is on the general signup genius and we need volunteers, mostly in the time slot before lunch.

  • Phoenix Fun Day committee recap of event

    • Thanks to all volunteers, weather was touch and go but 200 or more families attended (178 rsvped) - We made $7800

Upcoming Dates/Events

  • Trunk or Treat- Oct 27th

  • Taddeo’s Fall Plant Sale- Oct 13-15th

  • Winter BloomBox Fundraiser- Nov 1-15

  • Election Day Bake Sale and Clothing Drive- November 7th

  • Learning Express- Nov 13-17th

Next Meeting: November 1st 


PJ day confirmed for Nov 1st

September 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: September 20th, 2023

September ChCK Trait- Responsibility

“Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is youer than you.” 

Dr. Seuss

Call for Approval of Minutes - May 2023 Minutes Approved

Welcome to our new principal, Mrs. Leach! We are so happy you are here!

  • A special thank you to Sandy McManus, Latanya King and Elizabeth Stranzl for putting together a great New Student Event and thanks to all who came to the Welcome Back Picnic 

  • Stay tuned for a survey in your email measuring parent interest in program suggestions for upcoming PTO meetings. Topics included in the survey will be as follows:

    • Supporting Children with Anxiety & other Mental Health Challenges

    • Gender Identity Awareness/ Cultural Competency

    • Racial Cultural Competence

    • Diversity & Inclusion 

    • Gun Safety/Violence Prevention

    • Drug Awareness

    • Online Safety

    • Embracing a Healthy Body Image for Parents & Children

    • Bullying 

Teacher’s Remarks

  • Ms Neri spoke for the teachers at the meeting

    • Teachers thanked the PTO for the House Cup coffee and treats the day after B2SN

    • Ms Neri asked about contact information for the PTO chairs and club volunteers and was directed to the PTO website, where all the information is updated

    • Ms Neri also shared information about the author of our book for the year visiting in April!  Amy June Bates, the author of The Big Umbrella will be having a book signing on April 10 from 6:00-8:30.  This is all pending approval of the grant we applied for!  Fingers crossed it gets approved!

Principals’ Remarks 

  • Thank you to the PTO for the events to start the school year off 

  • Thank you the Parents for their support

  • It’s been a successful start to the year!

  • The first assembly is planned around the book/theme for the year “We Got You Covered”

  • Next Friday is a “Gold Out” to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Students, teachers and staff to wear gold/yellow and we will be spreading sunshine with acts of kindness. This is new to our school but moving forward there are lots of ideas around possible fundraising, for now we are focusing on recognition. 

  • Straight from the Governor- Free breakfast will be starting in October- more information forthcoming.

  • School days are in full swing now and the energy and positivity is wonderful

  • Our first field hockey game against Coopertown is next week! Exciting!

Treasurers’ Report 

PTO Treasurer Report - July/August 2023

Bank balance on 8/31/2023 ended at $11,354.81 up from June’s ending balance of $11,371.23

Deposits totaled $845.85. This was mostly due to: $ 755.75 Josten’s Refund

Expenditures totaled $862.27. This was mostly due to:
$ 595.95 Deposit for PFD (Slide, Basketball game, Popcorn machine

$ 199.28 Website - Squarespace

  • Vote on 2023-2024 PTO Budget 

    • Casey presented the Budget to the attendees. Budget posted on the PTO Website.

    • Went over big gifts for last year (the new kiln, picnic table for the teachers, storage container & rack for recess. 

    • We increased the budget for assemblies this year as well as the budget for school enhancements to aid our teachers. 

    • 32 (eligible) people were in attendance to vote, in addition to the PTO Exec Board.

    • Vote passes - 32 Yay - 0 Nay

  • Vote on change to the PTO by-laws to allow us to function as a tax exempt entity

    • 32 (eligible) people were in attendance to vote, in addition to the PTO Exec Board.

    • Vote passes - 32 Yay - 0 Nay

Chairmen Announcements 

  • Assembly October 19th-Basketball Jones with Corey Jones

  • New program-Music in the Classroom

  • Volunteer Fair - Potential volunteers were able to walk around and scan the QR codes to go to the various  sign ups.  Potential volunteers had the ability to sign up at the fair  or anytime afterwards. Thank you to all the volunteers! 

Phoenix Fun Day Update - Jamie Hawthorne and Alex Reed

Upcoming Dates/Events

  • Sept 29th: Phoenix Fun Day

  • Oct 13th-15th: Taddeo’s Plant Sale

  • Oct 27th: Trunk or Treat

Next Meeting- October 4th

May 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: May 3rd, 2023

May ChCK Trait- Respect 

“Life is Karma, and the best Karma is to be respectful of the Earth, ocean, wildlife, and the human race.”  Javier V. Sanchez

Welcome to Dan Horan, Haverford Middle School Principal  

Mr. Horan’s Remarks - Thank you for your time.  Here to give an overview of the kids transition from 5th to 6th grades. They start planning for the transition in Dec.  First they meet with curriculum and instructional departments (LA & Math) district wide, school by school, and they start quantitative data collection.  They start creating schedules based on the kids that are coming in. In March/April they transition to qualitative (individual) data collection.  By May, they move to a per kid level, and they meet with each Principal for guidance.  Schedules are sent home by the end of July.  They should be seen as recommendations and there are opportunities to talk about changes from there.  Every Quarter they review levels and “who can come up; “ no one moves down a level. Unity Day - all 5th graders come to middle school and meet w/team , take tours of the school, and sit down with a panel of student reps (representing each elementary school) for an open Q & A, which the kids love..  There are 8 days for orientation over the summer and you can pick the best time for your schedule.  It will be a presentation, a tour of the bldg, and you can come as many times as you wish.  In addition, they want to remain as accessible as possible and encourage people to stop in if they see cars parked by the flagpole. It is a large school, with a small town mindset.  They know what it takes to be successful; they outperformed themselves in the last year and they are still asking how they can build on this.  How does SEL curriculum play out in Middle School? They have a counseling suite in which there are 4 counselors, 1 social worker, 1 therapeutic counselor, and a secretary who is also trained in emotional support. They offer developmental guidance once a week and similar academic programming as the elem programs.  There’s also Health class also has SEL built in 4 days a week, and  during advisory time,  2 of those days are dedicated to SEL lessons.  They actually have more counseling support than elem. School.  What kind of after school activities are offered? The PIAA allows no sports options for 6th grade, but the website has a listing of the over 50 clubs that are available at the middle school.  The kids are well informed of the options and are regularly notified on what is happening per week.  How many kids per homeroom? 22 average, but they vary in academic classes.  On the higher end  of levels, classes are bigger at 25- 26 per class.  If they need more help, classes are more 20-22; and specialized learning is more 10-12 per class.  They love that they  have tons of flexibility because of their set up of teams, teachers, buildings.  

Recording Secretary Remarks

  • Proposal for last month's minutes to be passed, as they have been posted and no one has come forward with corrections.  - Minutes Pass! 

Principal Remarks - Ms. Hockfield It’s a busy couple of weeks coming up.  PSSA’s are almost finished; math and science are left. The kids have done great, but everyone is ready to get back - one kid said to her “my brain hurts.” K, 1st and 2nd were great; they were so quiet during a busy time.  The Arts Festival is ™ night.  The volunteers are blowing her away with how much help they are providing the school.  The kids are excited.  Then everything happens in the next few weeks of school: picnics, field trips, special lunches, and school meetings….the rest of the year will be fast paced and there’s lots of fun things happening.  The kids are all excited about their field trips: 5th grade going to Philadelphia, 4th grade to iFly, 3rd & 2nd to Elmwood Zoo.  Thank you also for celebrating Ms. Moss for administrative assistants day - she felt the love!  

President Update

  • Vote on New Board Members - Proposing - President- Suruchi Keenheel, Vice President of After School Activities- Angela Herman, Co- Treasurer- Cathy Goilghtly, Co- Treasurer- Cathy Goilghtly.  - 15 people in crowd vote YES and new Board is approved! 

  • Vote on Big Gift- Last year we did the swings for the kids and this year we thought about a gift that would be for a different area of the school community.  (*Some 4th grade students have submitted a petition for a Gaga pit but we have decided to look into this further next year; with a possible student fundraising element.)  We asked the teachers for ideas and they came up with a list that we felt good fulfilling almost in full.  The biggest gift would be a new kiln for the art room!  There is one line item we decided against though, and that was the printer request, as we felt that this kind of purchase would warrant further expenditures that we weren’t ready to deal with long term.  The total cost for all the items would be around $8200. 

    • Questions from the crowd - Do we know any feedback about the other Gaga pits in the district?  Actually Ms. Hockfield checked out the newly installed Lynnewood Gaga pit and the reviews are mixed.  It isn’t being used as much as they thought it would be, and it creates a pretty rough situation. Do the teachers still get end of the year gifts from the PTO?  Yes, not as part of the budget, rather as a parent run committee effort in which money was raised and is handed out as gift cards during the winter holidays and will be again at the end of the school year. They equal around $15-20 per gift card.  (*PTO removed this as a budget item because we thought it was a little ethically shakey to give teachers cash like  gifts so directly.)

    •  A vote is proposed to spend the money on this set of gifts to the school. 15 people in the crowd vote YES to this budget vote and the spending is approved! 

  • Taddeo’s Plant Sale- May 5-7- flier in the Blast

  • Bake Sale/ Clothing Drive- May 16th - look for a signup genius for volunteers and donations.  

  • Water Ice Treat for kids on Friday, need volunteers for afternoon to help serve - Shhh! It’s a secret.

Treasurers’ Report

PTO Treasurer Report - April 2023

Bank balance on 4/30/2023 ended at $24,366.61 down from March’s ending balance of  $24,409.52

Deposits totaled $3,192.06. This was mostly due to:

  • $1,600 Chase Donations

  • $1,250 Quizzo

Expenditures totaled $3,234.97. This was mostly due to:

  • $2,100 Field Trips

  • $297 Classroom Enhancements

  • $318.75 March Madness Winners

  • $345.81 Chestnutwold Chatter

Chairmen Announcements 

  • VP of After School Activities - 

    • Thank you for the Quizzo volunteers - it was a fun night!  

    • Chestnutwold Chase 5k and 1 mile Fun Run - Sunday May 21st - last big event of the school year!  Registration is still open; just the t-shirt deadline has passed. 

  • VP of In School Activities - 

    • Art show 5/4 - the school is in the midst of an amazing transformation.  Come to the Art Show Thursday!

    • Field Day 5/18 - volunteers/donations needed - sign up genius coming in Blast. 

  • THANK YOU to long time super star volunteers Lalasa Mohr and Rebecca Phelan!  We will miss you as you move along to the middle school.  Thank you for all your volunteering after all the years. 

  • IDC Update - This month they met about behavior consequences.  They were joined by Dr. Whitehead and the guidance counselor joined from Chatham Park Elem.  Overall there is no district wide disciplinary action plan; it varies by school. They primarily teach by modeling expectations.  There is no pointing out the good & bad behavior per student.  The only program is the built-in responsive classroom system.  This makes sure consequences vary by age & student.  Some schools use incident reports at lunch.  This seems to make sense because most incidents can be handled on the spot this way.  Specific Questions were emailed that they thought the new principal would find useful; mostly regarding providing grade specific guidelines that could be referred to by all parties in a case of a behavior incident.  They group found that this was the missing factor in the district ‘s behavior response. 

  • Ms. Hockfield added - there have been no real updates to the new principal search.  They have narrowed things down to 3 candidates - 2 internal, 1 external.  Also, YouTube has been removed from district elementary laptops - to the general approval of all in the crowd! 

Upcoming Dates/Events

Now through 5/9: Spirit Wear Sale

5/4: Evening of the Arts

5/5-5/7:  Taddeo’s Plant Sale

5/12, 5/13: Fifth Grade Play- Willy Wonka!

5/16: Bake sale/Clothing drive

5/18: Field Day

5/21: Chestnutwold Chase

Questions and Comments: 

  • 5th grade appreciating the positive options and flexibility their group is being given lately - its a real vibe boost to have the lunch seating situation made more flexible.  

  • Thanks for the PTO supporting the recent pet supply drive on their social media.  It made a big difference in their drive and the kids were thrilled.  THANKS PTO! 

April 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: April 12th, 2023

April ChCK Trait- Responsibility

“Taking responsibility for oneself is by definition an act of kindness.” -Sharon Salzberg

Welcome to our Marcy Hockfield, our interim Principal and Welcome to Dr. George Ramoundos 

Dr. Ramoundos Remarks - George Ramoundos Asst HR Director for SDHT (soon to be director 7/1) and John Nolen - Interim HR Director for SDHT came to Chestnutwold to share that they are in the process of hiring a new principal and wanted to get feedback from the teachers and parents about what qualities they would like to see in the new principal.  They will send the feedback with the admin team and keep it in mind when hiring.  The following are the remarks from the crowd: Leads staff with understanding, strong communicator with school community, sensitive to the kids w/special needs and present for meetings, fully understands 504/IEP process, understanding with curriculum, prefer a teacher of color that more reflects our community, someone diverse and inclusive, knowledgeable with Positive Behavior plans, special ed background, elementary school background, experience with families and community, a team builder, proven record of fostering communities’ culture, proactive (not reactive) to situations and policies, up to date on current studies and modern easy of teaching, knowledgeable with race and sex (LGBTQ) issues - specifically with children, be part of the community, inviting to new members of the community, meaningful connections with children, participation in after school/pto events, know we have amazing teachers and be there to support them, willingness to be part of PTO, we have the most parent participation of any elementary school - keep it going, post pandemic understanding, understand teachers make representations of us as a school community. He said the hiring process is very rigorous and takes months.  He cannot reveal specific details because it is a private process but he assures the school that they are very committed to finding the best candidate for Chestnutwold they can.  They were asked what they are looking for in an ideal candidate and they commented: someone who will develop relationships, is well read & understands primary education, hopefully they have an elementary background, are passionate about teaching, are joyful, like people (teachers, students, and children), who stand up for what’s right, and have plans to grow with the SEL program.  

Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Martin (3rd grade) and Ms. Neery (4th grade reading specialist) - Thank you for the wobble chairs; the kids love them.  Ms. Gretchen says thank you for the carpet.  Reminder - lost & found is getting filled again.  Racks have been moved back down to the 1st grade door hallway. Ms. Munch thanks the PTO for the funding of her “caught being kind” magnets.  (program coming soon!)

Principal’s Remarks - Marcy Hockfield - Chestnutwold is a really lovely place and has been really really wonderful - great staff, parents, kids.  She has no regrets about coming back to work here.  She also noted that the issues we have are small and can be fixed; everyone works as a team and it seems like that is just the way of things here.  She recognized Mr. Ummarino as a lovely guy who has worked hard to hol this place together over the last few months.  She is pleased with the amazing classrooms and happy kids.  She also thanked the PTO for all the events coming up, there seems to be “a million things happening.” The teachers commented that - Marcy has been great for Chestnutwold and the staff.

Recording Secretary Remarks

  • Proposal for last month's minutes to be passed, as they have been posted and no one has come forward with corrections.  - Minutes Pass! 

President Update

  • Variety Show thank you - (Matthew Stanford) - AWESOME show - so many talented kids!

  • March Madness! Thank you (Joe Petrucci) and to everyone who participated- raised $425 for the PTO

    • Congratulations to our winners Adam Langley, Frank Kishel &Tori Reed

  • Parent Social- April 28th at the CREC for QUIZZO.  Registration is now open! $25/pp

  • Taddeo’s Plant Sale- May 5-7- flier will be sent out next week

  • Bake Sale/ Clothing Drive- May 16th

Treasurers’ Report

PTO Treasurer Report - March 2023

Bank balance on 3/31/2023 ended at $24,409.52 down from February’s ending balance of $26,567.79

Deposits totaled $2,460. This was mostly due to:

  • $250 Quizzo

  • $850 March Madness

  • $1,160 Lovelines

Expenditures totaled $4,618.27. This was mostly due to:

  • $3,427.27 Classroom Enhancements

  • $500 Twilight Run

  • $275 Roots and Shoots

Chairmen Announcements 

  • VP of After School Activities

    • Running Club has started! Thanks Alex Pickel.  Club will culminate with the Chase.

    • Chestnutwold Chase 5k and 1 mile Fun Run - Sunday May 21st 

    • Roots and Shoots - Thanks Rebecca Phelan for cleaning up the gardens around school.  For Earth Day they are proposing a terra recycling presentation for the kids in the cafeteria (This did not pass admin proposal.)

      • $83 was raised at the scrap metal recycling event and lots of junk was saved from going to the landfill

    • Twilight Run - sign up by friday for a chance for Chestnutwold to win a water ice party

  • VP of In School Activities

    • Artist In Residence - Matt Phelan will be in school tmw, 4/13 for 2 assemblies (1-2 & 3-5).  He will visit the Kindergarten classrooms as well.  

  • Art Show (May 4th) - May 4th - might need some more volunteers, but seems like everything is going well.

    • The last time this happened was 2019 - starts with a concert and then visitors can wander the school, looking in classrooms at all the different kinds of art on display.  It’s a fun event for the whole family and the kids love sharing their work.  

IDC Update - next month’s meeting is about behavior consequences.  Any feedback, questions, or comments that you would like proposed should be emailed to the committee before the end of the month.

Upcoming Dates/Events

4/28: Parent Social Quizzo @ the CREC

5/5-5/7:  Taddeo’s Plant Sale

Next Meeting- May 3rd- will vote on Board Members for next year’s PTO


  • Will there be field trips this year?  - Yes!  Ms. Hockfield will be sending out an email about it, but all grades are doing field trips (most to the zoo)!

  • Notice that the 1st Chatter of the year will be coming out this week - thanks to the PTO and the Teachers for all their help getting this issue published.  

March 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: March 1, 2023

March ChCK Trait- Integrity

(Middle School student Jules is the available sitter)

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”  -C.S. Lewis

(Draft - Pending Approval)

Recording Secretary Remarks

  • Proposal for last month's minutes to be passed, as they have been posted and no one has come forward with corrections.  - Minutes Pass!

Haverford Education Foundation visitors - Chesnutwold is a Mini Grant Recipient ($1,500!) 

  • Applied last spring and the grant helped us purchase the Swing Set - Thank you!

  • Haverford Education Fund is a non profit that funds initiatives in our township schools for things that are not funded by the regular school budget.  

  • Their biggest fundraiser is coming up and they are asking all the school communities to participate - The Twilight Run is a 5k run & 1 mile kid walk. April 26, 5pm. 

Principal’s Remarks - Assistant Principal Jerry Ummarino - 3/10 is SEL Day - Feel Good Friday - wear clothing with a positive message on it. The March we will celebrate - Music is for All of Us. Look for displays in the windows.  It is also Read Across America month 3/31 is “dress as your favorite book character” day.

Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Lucas and Ms. Laughlin  (4th grade teachers) - Thanks for all the help with the Valentine’s Party’s.  Thanks also for cleaning the Lost & Found; Ms. Knapp took each class to the rack to look for goods and understand the value of things. Question - is there any money for field trips?  - YES!  $700 per grade plus possible need based aid.  

IDC Update - no update this month

President Update

  • Parent’s Seminar on Anxiety April 12th - Ms. Munch speaking

  • Parent Social- Quizzo at the CREC - BYO event - come socialize and have a good time.

Treasurers’ Report - 

PTO Treasurer Report - February 2023

Bank balance on 2/28/2022 ended at $26,567.79 up from January’s ending balance of  $24,775.13

Deposits totaled $2,875.05. This was mostly due to:

  • $2,266 Bag Bingo

  • $350 Lovelines

  • $184.05 Amazon Smile*

Expenditures totaled $1,082.39. This was mostly due to:

  • $168.46 Bag Bingo

  • $300.51 Family Bingo Night Supplies

  • $240.42 Lost and Found Rack and Hangers

  • $258 House Cup Coffee for Teachers

*Probably the last time we will get money from Amazon Smile (program ended).

Chairmen Announcements 

  • VP of After School Activities

    • March Madness brackets due before first game on March 16th

    • Virtual Variety Show - 2 min video submissions must be emailed by 3/25 - show premiers on 3/31.  We will also do a kick back dining fundraiser for that premier night too. 

    • Running Clubs -Starts 4/10 - doing good on volunteers, but always could use help.

    • Chestnutwold Chase 5k and 1 mile Fun Run - Sunday May 21st 

  • VP of In School Activities

    • Artist in Residence is 4/20

    • Art Show is back - 5/4.  Lots of volunteers will be needed.  Can use volunteer sign up genius link to sign up.

Upcoming Dates/Events

  • Friday 3/3 - Family Bingo

  • Wednesday 4/12- Parent Seminar on Anxiety

  • Friday 4/28 - Parent Social Quizzo @ the CREC

Next Meeting- April 12th

Feb 2023 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: February 1, 2023

(*Haverford High School student Marie was the available sitter)

February ChCK Trait- Positive Attitude

“You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Armen Chevrolet “Back to School Program” Recipient -

    • $1,000 Donation to our PTO

  • Recording Secretary Remarks

    • Proposal for last month's minutes to be passed, as they have been posted and no one has come forward with corrections.  - Minutes Pass!

  • School Board Remarks - Bridget Wieideman and Latanya King -  visited our meeting to introduce themselves and share what kind of work they do for the school district as members of the school board. (Apparently our turnout of parents at the meeting was the largest they have seen so far!)  Both are (were) Chestnutwold parents and they love the culture and climate of our school.  The school board consists of 9 elected members whose goal is to establish, educate, and support the 6600 students in the Haverford School District.  Their primary function is to establish policy and be advocates for public education.  They run a 138 million dollar budget which is funded 80%  by township taxes.  Lately this has also included some major facility projects throughout the district.  They will continue to interpret and update the recently done facility study to keep up with the growth of our community.

  • Superintendent Remarks - Dr. Maureen Reusche - visited our meeting to speak with our community and introduce us to her role in the school district. She also gave an update to some main points of interest within the district: registrations for next year are open and the numbers are returning to a more steady 2019 pace; facility study will take all growth data into consideration when planning out whether there would be a need for redistricting or current school expansion projects; the possibility of being able to offer full day kindergarten one day will also be considered in this.  Dr. Reusche also answered a general question regarding the absence of Principal Denelsbeck.  She confirmed that she could share no further info on the absence at this point, but will be open if and when the situation changes.  She also confirmed there is no reason to think that the children were in an unsafe situation connected with this absence.  She also specifically squashed a rumor that she had heard was going around about the situation, and reminded the community to remember this is someone’s reputation; and while she understands the curiosity, it’s best not to jump to conclusions without the facts. Finally she was thanked for attending the MLK Day event, to which she reciprocated by saying what a great event it was.  

  • Principal’s Remarks - Assistant Principal Jerry Ummarino - assures us that his and the staff’s number one priority is to take care of the kids.  He thanks Mr. Kleinhans for filling in for Ms. Kasmer in art; everyone really liked him.  He also thanks the PTO for the upcoming Feb.10th  assembly; they are all looking forward to it.  Looking ahead, PSSA’s are coming up in late April-May for 3rd grade and up.  

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Ms. Migliaccio and Ms. Ryan (5th Grade Teachers) - They are happy to announce they are hosting an upcoming school Bingo Night, Mar. 3rd (snow date Mar. 10), 6-8:30pm. 2 5th graders will win the Mary Borman award for $500 towards their educational e  Proceeds will benefit the CHOP Cancer Center in honor of some of our school community affected by the disease.  Teachers are also asking when to look for the Spring Classroom Enhancements - Addie says May. 

  • IDC Update - Tori DelMastro - This month’s subject was the computer curriculum used in the district.  The entire group was concerned with the higher use of screens, especially in elementary schools.  They also questioned waiting till the higher grades for having internet safety training.  

  • President Update - 

    • Volunteers needed for Variety/ Talent Show (which is not a fundraiser this year) and for next year’s PTO Board

    • School Counselor Ms Munch will be giving a talk on the topic of Anxiety before our April meeting

  • Treasurers’ Report - 

PTO Treasurer Report - January 2023

Bank balance on 1/31/2023 ended at $24,775.13 up from December’s ending balance of  $24,397.72

Deposits totaled $6,024.78. This was mostly due to:

  • $4,160 Bag Bingo Registration

  • $1,250 Donations (Chevy Give Back and Family Donation)

  • $230 Lovelines

Expenditures totaled $5,647.37. This was mostly due to:

  • $2,434.94 Bag Bingo (Reimbursement, MC, Supplies, Hall Payment)

  • $341.25 Deposit for 5th Grade Fun Day

  • $2,290 Assembly

  • $260.33 Yearbook Deposit

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • VP of After School Activities

      • Over 50 people have volunteered so far this year…and we still need more!  Running Club is coming up and we will need a lot of volunteers: specifically for grades K, 4,and  5. Signups will be in March, clubs start in April, and it ends with the Chase on May 21st.  

    • VP of In School Activities

      • Civil Rights Thru Hip Hop Assembly coming up next Fri, Feb 10.  One for K-2, another for 3-5. Message is about love, peace, and unity.  

      • Art Show (1st back in person) will be May 18th - we will need volunteers.

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Bag Bingo - February 10th- Sold Out!  This will be a fun event and there are new (non-bag) prizes too.  Advice for next year, sign up early because the demand was really high and there is a strict limit of tickets.  

  • Next Meeting- March 1st

Nov 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Meeting Agenda: November 9th, 2022

(*Haverford High School student Melana on hand for any child sitting needs)

November ChCK Trait- RESPECT

“Kindness and respect go a long way. The way you treat others is how you end up being treated.” 

―Heather Bennett-Smallwood

  • Trunk or Treat and Bake Sale - Thanks to all the parents and volunteers for another set of fun and successful PTO events! 

  • Recording Secretary Remarks

    • Proposal for last month's minutes to be passed, as they have been posted and no one has come forward with corrections.  - Minutes Pass!

Teacher’s Remarks -  Ms. Meagher (1st grade) came representing the the teachers:

  • Thank you for the classroom enchantments! 

  • First grade did pumpkin math the week before Halloween, thank you for the grown ups who volunteered! 

  • Mrs. Kunsa and Ms. Esposito said thank you for the soundproof foam. They are hoping to get it installed soon.

  • Mrs. Montgomery shared that there are 25 veterans coming for the assembly tomorrow. Thank you for completing the stars! 

  • -Mrs. Lucas said thank you for the PTO classroom enchantments. Her class is loving the flexible seating options! 

  • Ms. Naylor shared something new for this year .. Something new this year is if families would like to contribute to a cwold family in need of help cover an unexpected tax cost on a kid’s book for the book fair, the “book fairy” funds from my e-wallet/library e-wallet will be used for that purpose! I’ve already reached out to both counselors and we’re excited to start this! This will also be helpful before the holidays.

  • Principal’s Remarks - The American Legion will be present at the Vetern’s Day assembly this Thursday.  Around 25 parents/grandparents are coming to be honored.  Monday kicks off American Education Week. Tuesday parents will be able to observe their child’s classrooms. Please make sure you are cleared in our system beforehand if you can.  Come into the office and get your driver license scanned to get in our system. Wednesday will be para professional day, and Friday is Young Writer’s Day.  The lost & found is growing again, please check it out for lost items.  The PSAA scores are out. Overall we are happy with the direction of the scores; we seem to be recovering from some of the covid loss.  Be warned that the system had a recent change and our school number may look a little different than before because of it.  

  • President Update

    • Learning Express Fundraiser next week - use the flier, available on the website.

  • Treasurers’ Report - 

Bank balance on 10/31/2022 ended at $25,495.43 up from September’s ending balance of  $22,143.67

Deposits totaled $9,031.73. This was mostly due to:

  • $3,889.25 Phoenix Fun Day Donations

  • $900 Winter Market Vendor Fees

  • $277.53 Town Tap Give Back

  • $3,964.95 PFD Spirit Wear 

Expenditures totaled $2,479.97. This was mostly due to:

  • $1,505.00 Spirit Wear

  • $886.05 Classroom Enhancements

  • Spirit Wear - sale running through Friday,  If you tried for a size and they said it was unavailable, try again; there has been a problem with the whole system and they think it is fixed. 

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • VP of In School Activities

      • Art in the Classroom - is back! A few classrooms still need volunteers. No experience or expertise required.

      • Young Writers Day - Amanda - most classrooms get 2 - 50 minute blocks with children's writers (of all kinds); 1 block for 1st and K classrooms. A lunch will be catered from Pepperoncini and a coffee & pastry spread will be provided by House Cup.  

      • Book Fair - Natalie - Week after Thanksgiving. Students attending during their library time.  Tues & Thurs nights are the family nights. Volunteers needed.  Students may bring in cash in an envelope or use the eWallets.  Note - money on eWallets are non-refundable; you will keep the credit, but not be able to cash out the remaining change after the sale is over.  You can use the credit online as well.  Looking into whether the eWallets are per student or family. Keep in mind there is tax to all purchases. Also looking into whether there is a way to send a note with gift purchases through teachers eWallets.

  • VP of After School Activities

    • 2nd session of clubs will get going after winter break.  Chess club being added!

    • Dec. 3rd is the Holiday Market - this year indoors

  • IDC Update - carryover topic of Sustainability.  The District has no specific plan.  Talk of solar panels, and adding the issue to a club.  The Director of Public Safety will be at the next meeting.  The issue of excessive computer curriculum is a soon to be a  topic.  Chestnutwold keeps bringing up good topics and the group is happy to bring any new discussions to the group. Also, the high school is looking for help with their BLAST (after prom party); please consider volunteering as we will all benefit from this event at some point. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • November 18th: Young Writers Day

    • November 28th- December 2nd: Scholastic Book Fair

    • December 3rd: Holiday Market 

  • Next Meeting- February 1st- Members of the School Board will be attending

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • Bake sale we earned $805!

    • Picture re-take day is 11/17. Will composite classroom pictures be the new way of things? Probably yes, easier to include everyone.  

    • Will class parties be opened back up to more parents again? Hard to say with the new security system.  It has to do with safety. Tuesday will be a good test for the system to see. Parties should not just be for homeroom parents though, it is okay for attendance to be on a need base.  

    • In general discussion about the squeeze being felt - In regards to redistricting, some feasibility studies are happening. However, this year we have 585 students, which is lower than last year.  They have however added 15 new students in 2nd grade, and 25ish in 1st.

Oct 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Minutes: October 12th, 2022

ChCK Trait:  Responsibility

“If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”

-Les Brown

  • PFD Thanks - Thank you to all the attendees and volunteers.  It was a really successful event and a lot of fun! We raised around $9K.  We thank our hard working committee chairs and volunteers:  Jamie Hawthorn, Alex Pickel, and especially Lalasa Mohr who has successfully led this event for the past few years.  Alex will return as the chair for the 2023 Phoenix Fun Day.

  • Recording Secretary Remarks - Minutes have been posted online, and are available in print here and no one has asked for corrections.  I’d like to make a motion to pass last month’s minutes. Can I get a second? Second granted; minutes pass!

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Linsey Mirigliani and Molly Grover, Kindergarten teachers and Stephanie D’Annunzio, Special Ed represented the teachers.  

    • Phoenix Fun Day was definitely a success - the students have been talking all about it. 

    • Thank you to those who are planning Halloween parties!

    • Veteran’s Star requests are due Oct 27th. Nov 10th there will be an assembly to honor veterans.  

  • Principal’s Remarks - Respect Week is happening next week. - theme is in support of Anti-Bullying month.  Each day has a different theme and dress up idea.  (Chart in principal’s email.) This coincides with a student delegate chosen food drive, donating to the Ardmore Food Pantry.  There are grade divided donations - see list about each grade’s item.  On Monday, 10/31 there will be a costume parade @10:30am and holiday parties (some parties before the parade, and some after). Parents are welcome to come to the school and watch the parade.  It is a ½ day schedule for students.  Picture Day is Thursday, 10/20.  It will be outside again and the class photos will be composite. Nov 8th, no school (election day). Nov 14th starts American Education Week - Nov 19th there will be an Anti-Bullying assembly. Building behavior has been great this year!

  • President Update

    • Taddeos this weekend - sale is a giveback for the PTO.  Get your fall pumpkins and decor!  

    • Bake Sale and Clothing Drive - Nov 8th.  A sign up genius for donations and volunteers will come soon. 

  • Treasurers’ Report - PTO Treasurer Report - September 2022

Bank balance on 9/31/2022 ended at $22,143.67 up from August’s ending balance of  $15,149.37

Deposits totaled $11,792.95. This was mostly due to:

  • $9955.86 Phoenix Fun Day

  • $152.09 Amazon Smile

  • $1685 Spirit wear

Expenditures totaled $4,798.65. This was mostly due to:

  • $1,095.81 Backyard toys and recess equipment

  • $600.00 Fresh Schools

  • $1,531 Spirit wear

  • $675.54 PFD (tatoos, cash for tips and cashboxes)

  • $440.20 Welcome Back Picnic and New Family Night

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • VP of After School Activities - Clubs are up and running - many have just met and the rest are coming.  We still need volunteers and great club ideas - bring your idea to life! Trunk or Treat still has openings for decorated car spots.  There will be contests for the cars - spookiest, etc!  The Holiday Market is happening again on Dec.3rd (indoors this year!), vendors are wanted. 

    • VP of In School Activities - Nov 18th will be Young Writer’s Day. They will need about 12 parents to volunteer.  The Book Fair starts Nov 29th in the library.  They need volunteers in shifts that are both in the day and the evening of Tues and Thurs.  Look for the sign up genius on these events soon. 

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Oct 29th: Trunk or Treat

    • November 8th: Election Day Bake Sale and Clothing Drive

    • December 3rd: Holiday Market 

  • Next Meeting- November 2nd 

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns 

    • What was the result of the school run Clubs student survey? 

      • Mr. Denelsbeck - In addition to Chorus, the top contenders were Musical Theater, Board Games, Video Games, and Rubix Cube Club

Sept 2022 PTO Meeting Minutes

Chestnutwold Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

General Meeting Agenda: September 14th, 2022


“Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do.”-Don Galer

  • Thanks to - Amy Solwecki and Sandy McManus for putting together a great New Student/ New Family Event and Thanks to all we came out to the Welcome Back Picnic!

  • Approval of Minutes - May 2022 Minutes Approved

  • Teacher’s Remarks - Mrs. McCusker, 2nd grade teacher, came to represent the teachers.

    • Teachers are excited to be Back to School.  There is good energy and happiness in seeing everyone's faces again. 

    • THANK YOU for the swing set!  

      • Teachers have been using ChK Traits lessons on the playground: modeling good behavior on the playground. The playground games are great for the kids too.

    • The teachers doors are open - if we need them, please reach out.

  • Principal’s Remarks -  Be You by Peter Reynolds is the school book this year.  It links nicely with Chestnutwold’s ChK Traits.  During the welcome back, staff drew pictures of themselves, like the book, and they are hung up along the entrance hallway.  Buses have been very slow since the beginning of the year, but they are working out the kinks.  Bus 22 is way off time. In the afternoon Bus 39/21/26 - arrives at CW @3:30; Bus 7 - 3:50; and Bus 22 - 4pm. Tracker on Edulog (in the parent portal) is very accurate. Morning Meetings have been extended by 5 minutes to help compensate.  There are no longer free lunches this year.  Please apply for free or reduced lunch on schoolcafe.com.  Safe arrival is no longer the program they are using for attendance.  They are installing a new system, but until then, use email for reporting absences.  You may receive a call or alert about your child being marked absent before they have had time to clear your excuses; please be patient and disregard the message if you know it to be incorrect.  Mr. Denelsbeck loved seeing Ms. McCusker and other teachers using the playground for the MTSS lessons.  Those lessons are being extended this year.  The teachers are using behavioral expectation modeling in places like the playground, cafeteria, and the bus.  Students will also be using Mindful Student Cards: teaching mindfulness lessons to apply to various situations. Kids will earn positive tickets when caught making the right choices.  They can also earn a school reward, like extra recess time or a simple snack reward.  The District is giving all the elementary schools some extra money for clubs.  (Apparently our PTO clubs are models for the district.) They will be adding in, and in no competition with the PTO clubs.  Kids will be polled for their top choices of clubs and they will narrow the choices down to a couple options. Back to School Night is Sept 22 in 2 time slots: 6:30/7:30, each session is 45 mins. Stick to your schedule as much as possible.  October is Anti-Bullying month. On the 19th, Step in Step Up will be doing a 40 minute assembly.  There is also a Million Misfit March in which everyone should wear weird socks to celebrate diversity and the kids will march in a small parade around the school.  The Halloween Parade will be on Monday Oct.31.  Nov 1st will be a Pajama Day.

  • Treasurers’ Report - July/August 2022

Bank balance on 8/31/2022 ended at $15,149.37 down from June’s ending balance of  $16,920.71

Deposits totaled $25. This was due to:

  • Yearbook Payment

Expenditures totaled $1,796.34. This was mostly due to:

  • $158.89 Zoom

  • $199.29 Squarespace

  • $312.65 Keurig Coffee Maker for Teachers

  • $950.34 5th Grade Fun Day Bounce House

  • Vote on 2022-2023 PTO Budget 

    • Addie presented the Budget, line by line, to the attendees.  

    • Most major change is the addition of a fundraising committee to handle generating income that can be spread across multiple events.  This committee would primarily help the Chase with business donors, but also would promote donors on a tier leveled scale for the whole year.

    • 28 (eligible) people were in attendance to vote, in addition to the PTO Exec Board.

    • Vote passes - 27 Yay - 1 Nay

      • Nay vote was discussed openly with group - voter was unsure about the fundraising committee.  After further discussion, they found comfort with the new idea.

  • Chairmen Announcements 

    • Volunteer Fair TONIGHT - walk around, scan the QR codes to go to the sign ups.  You can sign up tonight or anytime afterwards.  We need you to make our year work -  Thank YOU!

    • Phoenix Fun Day & Dance Party - happening 9/30.  RSVP and make pizza reservations! Volunteers are needed, bring friends and help out for an hour.  

      • In case you are wondering - the name has been updated this year.  We are moving away from the word THON, which stems from an event, a Walk-a-Thon,that used to be done in connection with Phoenix Fun Day.  To simplify and clarify - the event will be referred to as a “Dance Party” moving forward.

  • Upcoming Dates/Events

    • Sept 22nd: Back to School Night and Parent’s Night Out at Town Tap

    • Sept 30th: PHOENIX FUN DAY

    • Oct 29th: Trunk or Treat

  • Next Meeting- October 12th

  • Questions/Comments/Concerns -

    • What is the situation with Intruder Drills and the classroom doors now being locked?

      • 3 lock down drills (aka shelter in place drills) a year.  Language is gentle and reassuring for the kids

      • After a recent review of safety practices in the school by the police department, it was decided that the magnet system was inefficient.  All doors are locked, same as in previous years; but now the magnets are not being used. That procedure relied on the office making an announcement before magnet door locks were set.