November 6th, 2024
Welcome & Gratitude
Thank you for participating in trunk or treat
Clothing drive and bake sale made almost
Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
9 attendees,
Upcoming PTO Programming
Quizzo, three tables left.
Dec 8th winter market
Book fair- dates
Nov 19th young writers day, email by friday if you want to volunteer
Treasurers’ Monthly Report
15k in bank, wait for report from nicolas
16 vendors so far for holiday market
2600 for classroom enhancements
Principal’s Remarks
We have so many things happening until christmas
Veterans day this friday the 8th
Young writers day
American education week- look for email from teachers
Conferences, look for email from teachers
Book fair
Teachers had a wonderful pd day via zoom wit and wisdom and math
Teachers’ Remarks
Cst team - they meet on a weekly basis
Thank yous - thank you for classroom enhancements
Naylor- thank you for bulletin boards
Pomerantz - thank you for reimbursements
Walsh - thank you for chairs
Thank you for halloween parties
Kunsa - gifted talked about the CST roles and moving to push in for 1-2 pull out for 3-5
Neri- reading specialist, reg ed support for ALL grades this year
Mike Reynolds is the interventionist working with all grades thus
Kristinine Titi- learning support teachers, wilson reading program third tear intervention
Emotional support teacher- Ms Danunzio, maternity leave - Ms Abbot sub
Speech therapist, OT therapist
School Psychologist
Asked Principal Leach for structure
Intra-District Council Update
Themes for the year
Nov- Transportation
Dec - High School Guidance
Jan - Curriculum
February - Board Members
March - Safety
April - Food Services
Two surveys
Social and emotional learning through hs
Survey superintendent search
Focus groups
Upcoming Event Reminders: Quizzo (11/22), Book Fair (12/2-12/6), Holiday Market (12/8)