Welcome & Gratitude
Thank you for coming out in the cold!
Vote to Approve Minutes from Last Meeting
3 attendees
Minutes approved
Upcoming PTO Programming
Jan 19th MLK day of service- on the sunday 12:30 -3:30 - info in blast
Choose Booster - Feb 24th-28th, during the school day
Fundraising Event that culminates in a “glow run” in the gym.
Fills in fundraising gaps in our budget, our goal is 10K
Testing the concept this year to see if it works
May need a few parent volunteers to go through packaging/prizes
Lots of questions, more information needs to be communicated
Virtual Variety Show
March Madness
We need volunteers for…
Chestnutwold Chase- leads and volunteers
Lots of notes on this
Bag Bingo- lead
Lots of notes on this - should be easy to follow
Treasurers’ Monthly Report
Teachers’ Remarks
Ms Lucas
Thank you for 10 days of giving! Grateful parent volunteers at class parties
Preparing for field trips, the PTO has budgeted the same money available for the trips.
Mr Una
Mr Kershaw
Assembly for Lacrosse Wings
Partnering with Mother Compost in the cafeteria
Completing the middle of the year tests
Maps and Ames testing
Intra-District Council Update
HS guidance - 7 guidance counselors (separate from mental health counselors) These counselors help your students schedule their classes through all four years.
Next time- Discussing Curriculum - send chestnutwoldidc@
Call for Volunteers
Upcoming Event Reminders: MLK Day of Service (1/19)