Parents' Quizzo Social

Kick back, relax and have some Quizzo fun with the parents of Chestnutwold! Please join us on

April 28th, at the CREC  Multi Purpose Room

Doors Open at 7pm - Quizzo begins promptly at 7:30pm

The cost is $25 per person. The ticket includes 5-6 rounds of Quizzo and exciting prizes for the winning team! A bag of cheer raffle and 50/50 raffle tickets will be available for purchase – remember to bring cash! 

You can also reserve your table of 8-10 people for $200 -250. All table reservations must be made with one check or one Venmo transaction. You may register as an individual or couple (and we will assign you to a team) or as a full team of 8-10! (You must register as a full team, we are not taking partial team registrations).  BYOB - must be 21 to attend and BYO food, food trays, plates, cups, etc. 

We are limited to 100 attendees, so it is first come, first served! Please complete the attached registration form and email to or you can send the form to school Attn: PTO For payment, please Venmo @chestnutwoldPTO or make checks payable to the Chestnutwold PTO.

Questions? Ask Colleen Malczynski: or Rana Sachdev: