We are excited to offer two races on May 19, 2024.
The one-mile fun run will occur first at 8:30am and will be followed by the 5K at 9am. Strollers, walkers, friends, and neighbors are welcome. Please spread the word!
Early registration will include a t-shirt if you opt for one. Be sure to add t-shirt(s) and size(s) in your registration. Note that kids t-shirt sizes (YXS-YL) are listed before adults’ sizes. Early registration is open until May 3. The early registration cost for a single runner is $30 and for a family is $90. Registration costs go up to $35 (individual) and $120 (family) after May 3. T-shirts will not be available if you register after May 3.
Bibs and t-shirt pickup will occur on May 17 after school (3:30pm) behind Chestnutwold Elementary. Register and join your community for some fun on a Sunday morning AND to raise money for Chestnutwold PTO initiatives.
Register here: https://runtheday.com/register/detail/17th-annual-chestnutwold-chase-2023-1-mile-fun-run
***Please try to bring a full water bottle.*** Water bottles will be available but these will be limited as we want to generate less plastic waste.