Talking to your Kids about Race

The Chestnutwold PTO invite you to join us for a 

Conversation about Race 

Talking to your Kids about Race 

What is race? What is racism? How do I talk to my kids (or students) about it?

Why should we talk about it?  

Research shows not talking about race with children leaves them vulnerable to learning society's harmful stereotypes. This brief and informative training will be led by Denzell Stanislaus, a regional educator with a specialization in school counseling. This will be a non-judgmental, safe space for persons of all races, to help you build and share vital understandings and skills. You will leave with inspiration and resources on how to continue to grow and support others.

This virtual event will be on 

February 23rd at 7pm 

RSVP to confirm you attendance and a Zoom link will be shared closer to the event. 

Hosted by the Chestnutwold PTO and open to all families in the community.