How to: Register Amazon Smile/Box Tops/Giant Rewards



This year, Box Tops will be changing over to use an app instead of clipping Box Tops. How it works:

1) Download the Box Tops app on your phone and select Chestnutwold as the school you want your Box Tops to benefit.

2) After grocery shopping or going to Target, Costco, etc. open the app and scan your receipt. Any items that offer Box Tops will be recognized and the money goes straight to our school. (You must scan the receipt within 14 days of purchase, or it will not be accepted.)

3) Continue to clip and turn in Box Tops because they are allowing people to “double dip” during this transition time. Remember, they do expire so please turn them in at collection times. Eventually physical Box Tops will not exist, but until then let’s double the amount of money for our school to pay for assemblies and other fun activities that benefit everyone!

* Some of the brands that have box tops are: General Mills, Annie’s, Nature Valley, Progresso, Old El Paso, Yoplait, Scott, Ziploc, Lysol


Register your Club Card for GIANT A+ Rewards and select Chestnutwold. These rewards do not deduct from your own personal gas awards or other rewards you receive from Giant.

Go to -> the Chestnutwold school code is 23611. Call the A+ Hotline at 888-448-4642 for assistance.


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the Chestnutwold School PTO when you shop at AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know with the added benefit of supporting charitable organizations. Get started by heading here to choose the Chestnutwold School PTO as your charity:

Remember, only purchases made at, (not or the mobile app,) generate AmazonSmile donations.

Keep a look out for details about our other Easy Money Fundraisers:

* Election Day Clothing Drives

* Fall, Winter & Spring Plant Sales at Taddeo’s Greenhouse

* The Learning Express Holiday Sale


Our School Directory - Fresh Schools!

Do you have a NEW student entering Chestnutwold this year? If so, we invite you to become part of the PTO's student directory called Fresh Schools, which is great for seeing who else is in your child's class, getting contact info of parents for playdates, making out your birthday invites and more!

All parents of NEW children at Chestnutwold, please use this link to register:

You'll go into a pending status, once you complete the link above. We'll approve you and you'll get an email invite to the directory with in a couple of days.

NOTE: if your child attended Chestnutwold last year, you do NOT need to re-register them

Shop Amazon Smile and the PTO benefits!

The Chestnutwold PTO is now registered for Amazon Smile!

You shop. Amazon gives. 

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the Chestnutwold School PTO when you shop at products, prices and service. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know with the added benefit of supporting charitable organizations. Get started by heading here:

You can still reserve your spot for QUIZZO this Saturday!

Quizzo (an Adult Social): Saturday, Nov. 10, 7-10 pm at Brookline Fire House

Don’t miss out on this fun evening! This is a great opportunity to get to know the parents of your kids’ friends, make friends of your own, laugh a lot, and raise money for our school. The cost is $20/per person (bring your own food and drink). You can pay by check made out to Chestnutwold PTO or with Venmo (@ChestnutwoldPTO). Sign up as an individual or as a couple and we will assign you to a team- OR- sign up a whole table (you must pay for whole table (8-10 people).  Fill out the attached form and send in to school in an envelope marked PTO c/o Christine Schindler. Please email Christine Shindler with any questions at