The next PTO meeting on April 3rd at 7:30 PM will address two important topics: proposed new bylaws and restrengthening family involvement in our school community. Dinner will be provided!
It was presented at the March PTO meeting that a vote will be held at the next meeting to change PTO bylaws with the following motions:
motion to split the current VP of After-School Activities to two positions: VP of After-School Clubs and VP of Out-of-School Events
motion to move the VP positions and the Secretary position from a one-year term to a two-year term
After the vote, we will focus the rest of the meeting on collectively reenvisioning a strong Chestnutwold community.
General PTO Meetings begin at 7:30 pm (30-60 minutes) and are held in the cafeteria at Chestnutwold. Please feel welcome to email the PTO with anything you would like to discuss.
All are welcome.
Further information and updates regarding meeting will be emailed directly through Fresh Schools. If you have not already registered for Fresh Schools, please do so. Fresh Schools is the main source of PTO email communication.